Get Better Niki (Acoustic Original)

richardasomers wrote on 10/26/2009, 11:11 PM
This is a song I wrote for a dear sick friend. She was going through a tough time and the only way I though I could help was with music. I took vocal choir in highschool but I am by no means a good singer. 
Niki really means the world to me and it broke my heart to see her in that hospital bed. I felt like I deserted her when I went on my trip to my hometown Brantford Ontario. I even took a trip up to Barrie in the middle of my vacation just so I could visit her. She really means the world to me and I am so glad she is doing better now. 


DJ-WIZEC-Ying wrote on 10/27/2009, 2:10 AM
Schöner Song .. du brauchst deine Gesang nicht unter den Scheffel zu stellen hört sich doch echt gut an . aber kann es sein das du in letzter Zeit in einer Depresiven Phase bist ?.. Dafür aber sehr Produktiv in sachen Musik. ... schönen Gruß an Niki und Gute Besserung !   
Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 2:31 AM
beautiful track my friend.
beabea wrote on 10/27/2009, 3:04 AM
really beautiful song, very nice acoustic guitar...and i do like your voice and the way you're singing!
Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 3:28 AM
great little rock-song! your voice has a really unique sound & this effect on it gives it once more a very SPECIAL touch!
redisland wrote on 10/27/2009, 6:05 AM
sehr gut
Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 6:11 AM
schönes Stück was ich hier höre. Gefällt mir gut.

mfg Conny
Maury wrote on 10/27/2009, 7:29 AM
...bravo Ricky!!! Bellissimo brano! a presto...
vlad wrote on 10/27/2009, 7:47 AM
sehr gut!
Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 8:11 AM
a very nice song which you have made for your best friend..., however remember, the life also has many nice hours, you are not at time well on it, I notice... Vocal-according you must work already a little bit... the sound and Reverb I would completely leave out...


Soundschill wrote on 10/27/2009, 8:23 AM
So I know an amount from rock to artists everything (not personally!) magnificently can be able to sing, but them not. Your strength lies in control of the instruments and your voice sounds in this title perfectly!
siggi_s wrote on 10/27/2009, 8:54 AM

G Siggi S.
Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 9:12 AM
 Great Song.

Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 11:14 AM
a good song that reflects the mood and your
Gitarrensolo pleases me very well ......

LG Sigrid
Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 11:19 AM
It reminds me of Tony Carey!

Nice Voice & all combinations!


You play the guitar very well!

I like it!

M.Krauss wrote on 10/27/2009, 11:56 AM
Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 12:07 PM
Music can be sometimes the greatest Doc.
Well done.

LG Hans Josef
Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 1:35 PM
Hello Richard,
you makes very good music as ever...

 Get well soon for your friend Niki!

Frankie Kay
holie wrote on 10/27/2009, 2:46 PM
Big expression and your voice fits very well!
I am glad that your girlfriend is better... look sometimes after
videos with Bruce Lipton!
Lots of love
Decrone wrote on 10/27/2009, 3:28 PM
Frantzi wrote on 10/27/2009, 5:11 PM
Perhaps Hartmut is right...
But....I like this "CRY"...
Mr.Thomson wrote on 10/27/2009, 6:28 PM
Hi Richard,

the vokals can be better, from the mix (you know)

All will be good !

Former user wrote on 10/27/2009, 7:29 PM
Hi Richard. This is the best vocal I have heard from you so far, the colouring helps I know, maybe it`s a key thing?  Nice lyric / neat hook also. 

You have a big heart my friend and I like the fact that your not afraid to show it. I recon you should marry that smile, if you can that is  

Wish her well from us. Peace Ian  
Guitarjams wrote on 10/27/2009, 8:23 PM
It's a good song! I should think your friend enjoyed it very much too. Writing and recording of song trumps a get well card every time.