
LORDPEER wrote on 3/30/2013, 1:03 PM

Hello D. J . Panchisprs

Coller Sound Sehr schöne Synthesiser , habe einige collen Sound aus den 90 ers an Rave and Tranze wiedererkannt . toll aufge -Pimpt für die Moderne Generration , lass mehr von deiner Musik hören,dein

Beat ist sehr gut .!!! 5************************************* + *********************

Dee . Jee . Peer By

Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 3/30/2013, 1:46 PM

The sound of the synth`s reminds me one little bit at K.Schulze & ELP,  ( Emerson,Lake & Palmer).
A cool mix and a good sound.
Good work my friend.


Dj_Ronne wrote on 3/30/2013, 2:16 PM

Great Job!!




Dj Ronne

Nickillus wrote on 3/30/2013, 2:35 PM

Love the sound of that lead synth, soaring over the dance beat.  You must be lurking in a 'hip' part of Canada.  Great stuff.

maxcon62 wrote on 4/1/2013, 2:47 AM

Oh yes, that's great !

Pure Energy for my soul !


panchisprs wrote on 4/1/2013, 12:46 PM

Thank's guys for your comments.

smartsmurf wrote on 4/2/2013, 12:13 PM

Now that's definitely a very good track... I enjoyed listening. 

What happened at the end..?