Fusing The Crystals

bikergsx wrote on 8/12/2022, 4:38 PM
Tags: MIDI, Chill out, Other, Alternative

New original melodic experimental electronic music created by Rob - Bikergsx

Using instruments from the Rob Papen range of synths, especially Predator 3.

Many thanks for listening.

Best wishes, Rob


Mark_MERIX wrote on 8/13/2022, 10:42 AM

Moin Biker.

I like your work.

It is experimental and reminds me of - unfinished - pieces of great musicians from the beginnings of electronic music.

I think: Great raw material.
Maybe you will find this "a special trick" that makes the composition out of it.

Greetings - Mark 😀😀


Moin Biker.

Mir gefällt Dein Werk. Es ist experimentell und erinnert mich an an - unfertige -   Stücke großer Musiker aus den Anfängen der elektronischen Musik. Ich finde: Tolles Rohmaterial.

Vielleicht findest du diesen "einen besonderen Kniff", der daraus DIE Komposition macht.

Gruß - Mark