frozen Jinty wrote on 1/11/2015, 11:24 PM 16 185 Tags: New mix "Frozen" Made with both midi files and wav files...I hope you enjoy it... I'd say it's more trance chillout? Back to post
Comments Former user wrote on 1/12/2015, 4:29 AM gute arbeit...gerne angehört MuggeMaker wrote on 1/12/2015, 8:42 AM Nice work! I loved it a lot. Have a good one! MuggeMaker Former user wrote on 1/12/2015, 12:45 PM Hi! Jinty. Zum dritten Mal gehört. Ein schönes Stück. SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LG / aces-e37 nafets. wrote on 1/12/2015, 2:20 PM echt klasse Deine melodie....vielleicht ein tick zu viele tiefen im synth-key. beim klavier ist es anders herum,dort sind etwas zu viele höhen und ist ein tick zu laut auf rechts. ansonsten sehr sehr schöne musik,mag ich sehr gerne hören ! great work lady ! all the best ***** stefan gerrycix wrote on 1/12/2015, 2:42 PM Hello Jinty Fantastic track ...very nice ! Ciao David R42OR wrote on 1/12/2015, 8:49 PM Hi jinty Top like this........TOP WORK. =) The Piano at 1.50.......heavanly ! lg R. Former user wrote on 1/14/2015, 7:16 AM Hi Jinty Really really nice track. I like it a lot! The cover makes me cold but the music warms me. Trish Farstom wrote on 1/15/2015, 9:50 AM nice work well done i like it Maboe wrote on 1/15/2015, 1:44 PM Just wonderful, Jinty! Big compliments! Mathias drcerebro11 wrote on 1/15/2015, 9:28 PM Hi great job! keep up the good work. I hope you review my songs.................Dr Cerebro.......... I really like your song. Father_of_Joy wrote on 1/20/2015, 8:50 AM I had a similar thought as Trish, very nice warm sounds! I love it ... yes indeed. Leomax wrote on 1/20/2015, 12:48 PM i like it Former user wrote on 1/21/2015, 11:43 AM Bravo Jinty,La introduccion es muy buena y a armonia ritmica y melodica es elegante ,buen trabajo Nickillus wrote on 2/4/2015, 6:24 AM Such a solidly put together track. Great work, Jinty. Catchy stuff. Nice melody suffusing it. olivier28 wrote on 2/14/2015, 8:02 AM Bonjour Jinty 3*** Bon "travail" Olive Former user wrote on 6/5/2015, 1:56 PM Hi Jinty , Very relaxing and emotion ! = 5* Best regards Tony -Celina-Neatly- wrote on 11/8/2015, 12:58 PM The sound of ice was awesome. And I think that is enough for you to understand what I talked about. Keep it on. Nice to hear. All the best. Regards... 1