
fetter339 wrote on 1/21/2021, 9:34 AM
Tags: Other


"Our old friend FRB 121102 is back, and right on time. Earlier this year, astronomers identified a distinct 157-day cycle in the activity of FRB 121102, one of many so-called โ€œfast radio burstsโ€ emanating from deep space."

"Fast radio bursts are invisible to the human eye, and each pulse only lasts a few milliseconds. However, they release enough energy during that fraction of a second to outshine entire galaxies." Look out!!!!


Jochen-S wrote on 1/21/2021, 9:43 AM

Hi Bill,
what an instrumental masterpiece of sounds... Great made and glad to hear...
Greetings Jochen ...

fetter339 wrote on 1/21/2021, 11:26 AM

Thank you for your kind review. So glad that you liked it!

HellRaiser wrote on 1/21/2021, 1:22 PM

Haha, welcome back FRB121102 ๐Ÿ“กโ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŽ‡ A highly energetic phenomenon. You've come up with some interesting, dark music to go with it. Sluggish rhythm, beautiful details, very good atmosphere โค๏ธ

fetter339 wrote on 1/21/2021, 4:52 PM

Thank you HellRaiser. So glad that you like the track!

Former user wrote on 1/21/2021, 9:40 PM

Just amazed...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Siggi-M wrote on 1/22/2021, 3:11 AM

Great story, with good background music


franco-galateo wrote on 1/22/2021, 3:25 AM

this is a interesting idea compositional.. sound particoular but very interesting..


fetter339 wrote on 1/22/2021, 7:27 AM

Thanks for that review.

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 2/11/2021, 12:35 PM

Bill, you really are the Einstein of music, Brother! I always feel like I'm going into the future or I'm already there hearing your complex pieces where there is a lot more going on harmonically than meets the ear. Cool piece of music, man! SUPERB! VME! Clay Brian Wilson P.S. How are you doing, Bill? Seems like we are losing our country. Tell me anything to encourage me, because I really can't turn on the news today. One more thing I'd love to know your thoughts both positive and negative on any of my or our tracks. I actually can be just as excited with a negative review as a positive one if it's genuine. Anyway, treasure your liberty and fly your flag high, man. God bless, Clay8-) 10,000 Suns! ๐Ÿ’ฏ

fetter339 wrote on 2/11/2021, 1:38 PM

Thank you for your kind review.