Floating nihon94 wrote on 1/15/2011, 7:22 AM 7 227 Tags: Width: 1280 Height: 720 Duration: 02:27 Format: x-ms-asf As usual I made 3D floating so called flower then I wanted to make it as if it is floating under water. Title: Floating Duration: 00:02:27 seconds(2Minutes 27seconds approx.) Audio & Visial by me Though it is short video hope you will enjoy. nihon94 Back to post
Comments Njego wrote on 1/15/2011, 8:53 AM Your Idea has managed, to feeling like it was recorded in water !!!! Former user wrote on 1/15/2011, 10:26 AM Bei diesen Anblick bleiben meine Augen stehen -:Da träumt man mit offenen Augen! YaraLove jorual wrote on 1/15/2011, 12:02 PM Hi, Super done. BR Joaquin Former user wrote on 1/16/2011, 4:18 AM Musik könnte von Björk sein,gefällt mir. Ich mag die Farben. Kreativ und gut. datamix wrote on 1/16/2011, 8:27 AM Excelent idea and perfomance, i like it agge whit Njego semm to be water datamix B59fly wrote on 1/24/2011, 4:06 AM Wow ..... ..... great work! Rana wrote on 2/1/2011, 1:57 PM Very well conceptualized idea Nihon.. excellent. Good music as well to support the present. 1