First Footstep

ricw147 wrote on 9/5/2013, 2:54 PM

To hopefully illustrate that before I discovered Magix Software I can actually play the piano, I present First Footsteps. The track was dedicated to my eldest son (now 16) and was played on a Casio 680 keyboard.


Please excuse the sound quality, but this was recorded live in my front room some 15 years ago.

Comments welcome




_XI_GAM_ wrote on 9/6/2013, 4:08 PM


Wunderschöne Musik!


Former user wrote on 9/7/2013, 12:47 PM

So lange ist dieses Stück schon her –ich nehme an, dass es nicht um die ersten Gehversuche eines Kindes geht –doch viel eher, welches nach dem Verlangen dem Musikmachen angeht –und da fangen wir alle immer erst einmal an –bis man Schritt für Schritt vorankommt –klever, oder… ? –, !!
