Feliz Natal

Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 9:13 AM
Tags: Ambient, Pop, Chill out, Other

Em uma noite estrelada
Numa noite de paz
Senhor Jesus
vai nascer
Para a beleza
Do mais querer..

Mais do quê...
Do mais viver...

...o Natal para você ...
Feliz Natal 
...para Você!
Hum hum hum...


Jochen-S wrote on 11/14/2020, 9:27 AM

Ola Paulo meu amigo musico,
Chill-out interessante com uma boa melodia e ótimos vocais...👍👌👍
Saudações Jochen e mantenha-se saudável.🙏

Siggi-M wrote on 11/14/2020, 10:12 AM

Muito bem Paulo, esta é uma canção de natal brasileira 👌🎄🌟


PATIENT-X wrote on 11/14/2020, 10:38 AM

What a beautiful piece from you with love and kindness and lovely lyrics, I hope you and the family have a special Christmas together, god bless you Paolo. 👍😁🙏🎉🎅⛄🎄

Last changed by PATIENT-X on 11/14/2020, 10:41 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 11:23 AM

What a beautiful piece from you with love and kindness and lovely lyrics, I hope you and the family have a special Christmas together, god bless you Paolo. 👍😁🙏🎉🎅⛄🎄

Amém Meus Amigos. Amém.




May the Lord Jesus provide us with health and discernment always, to win all our battles. Big hug for everyone. Thank you from the Heart ❤️

Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 12:46 PM






Recalling that a French company, donated several energy transformers, to repair the damage done by lightning at the power plant here in my city of Macapá. Everything normalized on the 26th of this month 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


PATIENT-X wrote on 11/14/2020, 12:54 PM

Great news Paolo 🙋‍♂️👍🍺

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 11/14/2020, 1:15 PM

bene - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 4:43 PM

Great news Paolo 🙋‍♂️👍🍺

Yes, that's right, it makes me very happy, I also had another EXCELLENT news, I heard that a great and best friend of mine HERE from Macapá, called Edgar Lamarão, is recovering from something that happened to him. Thank God he gave himself to Jesus. 🙏🏻❤



Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 4:44 PM

bene - ciao da sandro

Thank you Friend All the best

All The besr Merry Crihstmas @Sandro_Glavina_Channel


Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 4:46 PM


In fact, I was inspired by my friend Edgar Lamarão to make this MUSIC.

PATIENT-X wrote on 11/14/2020, 4:59 PM

@Paulo.Costa "Inspiration comes from the heart and your influential surroundings, what the eye sees, the eye creates". My quote👍

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 5:07 PM

Ola Paulo meu amigo musico,
Chill-out interessante com uma boa melodia e ótimos vocais...👍👌👍
Saudações Jochen e mantenha-se saudável.🙏

Danke mein Freund @Jochen-S Jochen-S. Sie sind auch ein großartiger Musiker mit einem großartigen Talent.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 5:11 PM

@Paulo.Costa "Inspiration comes from the heart and your influential surroundings, what the eye sees, the eye creates". My quote👍


the cover photo, denotes a dream I had days before making this song, I dreamed I was in a room and I managed to get out of it, I overlooked a marquee, there were several trees down there, I found it very beautiful that night with spaced clouds, after I was floating and watching the incredible spectacle of nature more clearly.


PATIENT-X wrote on 11/14/2020, 6:07 PM

@Paulo.Costa "A poet envisions what a poet imagines" 👍

Last changed by PATIENT-X on 11/14/2020, 6:09 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Jinty wrote on 11/14/2020, 6:09 PM

Hello Paulo,

You have created a beautiful song,I've enjoyed listening to it!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/14/2020, 6:30 PM

Hello Paulo,

You have created a beautiful song,I've enjoyed listening to it!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Hi my beautiful and lovely Friend Jinty. Always good day for you, friends and family. In the last few days, I went through certain difficulties, but I have overcome most of these difficulties and what is important, I am doing well in my projects. Thank God. Thanks for liking it my dear beautiful @Jinty Jinty. Kisses and a hug from your friend who highly esteem you.
Paulo Costa



Former user wrote on 11/14/2020, 10:27 PM

Cool Track, Voice and sound.  I like it very much.  Greetings Gerd

franco-galateo wrote on 11/15/2020, 2:27 AM

buona performance sonora e vocale


DJ-HERMAN wrote on 11/15/2020, 4:50 AM

Lubię takie utwory POZDRAWIAM Herman 👍👍👌👌👍👍🎤🎧🎼🎹🎷🎺🎸🎻

Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/15/2020, 5:00 AM

Lubię takie utwory POZDRAWIAM Herman 👍👍👌👌👍👍🎤🎧🎼🎹🎷🎺🎸🎻




F.R.H. wrote on 11/15/2020, 5:33 AM

Feliz Natal para vocês lá do outro lado do nosso pequeno país, embora eu não celebre o Natal, outros podem fazê-lo, pois o mais importante é que passem bons momentos juntos e com a família.
Muito bom desenho que você fez, obrigado por me deixar ouvir.
(Google translate is my freind, i can´t understand your language).

Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/15/2020, 5:50 AM

Great news Paolo 🙋‍♂️👍🍺

But let’s go, stephens, we can’t get discouraged, we have to live the good things intensely, so a toast to you, my dear friend @PATIENT-X


Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/15/2020, 5:53 AM

Feliz Natal para vocês lá do outro lado do nosso pequeno país, embora eu não celebre o Natal, outros podem fazê-lo, pois o mais importante é que passem bons momentos juntos e com a família.
Muito bom desenho que você fez, obrigado por me deixar ouvir.
(Google translate is my freind, i can´t understand your language).

Thank you dear friendle @F.R.H. FRH. In any case, the parties are always wonderful and happy. Greetings and a big hug there on the other side of the world.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 11/15/2020, 5:59 AM

buona performance sonora e vocale


Thank you dear @franco-galateo Franco, I was really sad and relaxed when I composed this melody, I used MMM 2014 and 2017 soundpools, only the vocals are mine, yes of course, as every time, I invent the melody and lyrics of the vocal as far as that I am listening to the instrumental music, then, I intercalate the vocal ready to the melody, one is a laborious process because I have to harmonize my vocal with the instrumental, sometimes when I don't find a correct loop, I create the loop that can replace it.