Father and Son

TrishM wrote on 7/1/2016, 3:27 PM

Greetings to all in the Magix community

Mondschwester suggested to me that we do a cover of "Father and Son"  a well known song written and performed by Cat Stevens.  The song was featured on Steven's 1970 album "Tea for the Tillerman".

The song tells a story of a father not understanding his son's need to start a new life on his own. The son cannot explain to his father the reason he must break away and start a new life but he knows that it is time. It is time that he has to go.

I have known this song for many years and played the cassette tape over and over but Mondschwester has brought the song to life in a new and beautiful way for me.  I cannot express my feelings when she sent the song back to me with her singing on it.  I was so moved that it brought tears to my eyes.

Through the two songs that we have completed (so far), Mondschwester and I seem to have bonded in a way that I have not experienced before, both musically and on a personal level.  I am thankful that the Magix community has given us the opportunity to meet and make this music together.

Trish and Mondschwester


Grüße an alle in der Magix Community

Mondschwester mir vorgeschlagen, dass wir ein Cover von "Vater und Sohn" ein bekannter Song geschrieben und gespielt von Cat Stevens zu tun. Das Lied wurde auf Steven 1970 Album "Tee für die Tillerman" gekennzeichnet.

Der Song erzählt eine Geschichte von einem Vater seinen Sohn nicht das Bedürfnis zu verstehen, um ein neues Leben auf seine eigene zu starten. Der Sohn kann den Grund nicht zu seinem Vater erklären, er weg brechen müssen und ein neues Leben beginnen, aber er weiß, dass es an der Zeit ist. Es ist Zeit, dass er gehen muss.

Ich habe seit vielen Jahren das Lied bekannt und spielte die Kassette immer und immer wieder, aber Mondschwester hat das Lied zum Leben in einer neuen und schönen Weg für mich gebracht. Ich kann meine Gefühle nicht ausdrücken, wenn sie das Lied wieder zu mir mit ihrem Gesang auf sie sendete. Ich war so bewegt, dass es mir die Tränen in die Augen trieb.

Durch die beiden Songs, die wir abgeschlossen haben (bisher), Mondschwester und ich scheine in einer Weise gebunden zu haben, die ich vorher noch nicht erlebt haben, sowohl musikalisch als auch auf persönlicher Ebene. Ich bin dankbar, dass die Magix Community uns die Möglichkeit gegeben hat, sich zu treffen und diese zusammen Musik zu machen.

Trish und Mondschwester



Pat_02 wrote on 7/1/2016, 7:28 PM

Bonjour Trish,


Merci pour l'invitation,

Très jolie musique et agrémenté d'une belle voix, c'est encore mieux pour ce style de musique.

C'est encore plus beau lorsqu'on entend les choeurs à 1,50 minute qui se marient bien

avec la voix de Mondschwester.

C'est une très bonne et belle interprétation,

bravo ! à vous deux



DEPO57 wrote on 7/2/2016, 2:37 AM

una canzone della mia adolescenza.... i brividi pero li ho avuti ascoltando la voce di Mond, complimenti una splendida voce che merita ben altri palcosceni. Trish, come sempre brava.....


NorbertSN wrote on 7/2/2016, 3:56 AM

Hey Trish and Mond,

Now this is a great cover version. Wonderful piano play and the expected warm and slightly melancholic vocals fit to such a great whole in it's easy setup that the choir moves me once it kicks in.

I love it, although it is not at all my favorited genre. I love this, ladies!

5 stars is max, I would give more here... but okay: 5 stars Deluxe.


All the best and keep going,


waalfred wrote on 7/2/2016, 4:06 AM

Only some words

To hear this version - It´s only wonderful - two artists have found together to create unforgettable coverversions

I knew Cat Stevens since the 60´s - but it´s a new experience to hear his songs with piano (not guitar) and female voice

in German : Einfach toll

Greetings - Grüße       waalfred

VOXS wrote on 7/2/2016, 4:44 AM

Hi Trish, hallo Mondsister,

this is a song that I'll sometimes hate, sometimes love. It's even more a song loved by girls than by boys like me 

Anyhow - the great vocals could be a bit louder (...Mond, versteck' Dich nicht) and the wonderfully piano could have a bit of more brilliance (...in my ears).

Finally you get except of these little things all stars I could give 

Yours - Andreas

Former user wrote on 7/2/2016, 9:09 AM

Hi Trishie & Mondschwester:

Lovely song and an even lovelier musical duet.  Aside from some minor "audio engineering" elements, the arrangement and wonderful performances shine ever so brightly.  It's always a precious commodity when collaborative efforts are realized.  Especially, over distances where the participants are not in physical proximity with the other.  But, when the talents arrive at that (oftentimes) illusive musical moment, it's a thing of pure beauty.

Musical 'soulmates' are difficult to find, but when one does, look out!

Congrats, ladies!


Former user wrote on 7/2/2016, 9:26 AM

............ All super class. excellent singing and piano.

Very beautiful. Perfect!!


By Horstfe


jecke wrote on 7/2/2016, 12:05 PM

I haven't heard the orginal of this one but this is good and probably better too-. You did an excellent work.

Former user wrote on 7/2/2016, 9:55 PM

hello trish, this is a song that is very well done, regardless of the other comments, I think the piano is in the tone and position it should be, is an accompaniment and should not be the star at the time, why would overshadow the voice?, I think any musical theme should be just as well the feelings that you want to show, very well played

stuallan wrote on 7/2/2016, 11:35 PM

Hi Trish,

A while ago, I said that our musical librairies would share many, many of the same songs. Well here you and Mondschwester pull out another classic that I always have in a playlist.

Your version is absolutely fantastic! The piano replaces the guitar with graceful ease and Mond's voice adds a soft and beautiful counterpoint to Cat's lower register.

I have one complaint: Even at 4:15, it's way too short!

I can hear that morning has broken over this superb colaboration and am eager to hear what the future has in store.

A tip of the hat to the ladies for creating such a lovely cover of this iconic song. When two talents come together. holy cow, nothing is impossible!

Fav's bound!





Former user wrote on 7/3/2016, 2:13 AM

cover wonderfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

job of the arragement this is exellent.good and global performance musical

compliment track easy, i apprecciate this track

this collaboration is easy

compliment to Trisch and Mondschwester


elisa.dallalibera wrote on 7/3/2016, 2:38 AM

Hi, I didn't know the original song, but I like your cover very much.

Wonderful girls! This is a really great work, and beautiful voices too.



Former user wrote on 7/3/2016, 3:05 AM

Sometimes words are not enough to express what one feels inside.
I will just say that with this song you touched your heart in its depths.
I hope that your cooperation will give us other beautiful emotions.


Former user wrote on 7/3/2016, 12:18 PM

eine ausgezeichnete Zusammenarbeit.



Former user wrote on 7/4/2016, 3:36 AM

Sehr schöner Cover-Song. Gratuliere Euch beiden. Das passt wunderbar zusammen: FunKey´s edles Klavierspiel und der mal wieder sehr gelungene Gesang von Mondschwester zu einem sicher nicht leicht singbarem Titel.

olivier28 wrote on 7/4/2016, 11:36 AM




Former user wrote on 7/4/2016, 1:08 PM

Das ist doch nicht magix.info hier.... das ist doch eine klasse Version von Father and Son!!!

Tolle Nummer :)

5 plus

MW73 wrote on 7/4/2016, 4:10 PM

Habt ihr beiden echrt schön produziert

Did you two really nice produced


*  *  *  *  *


Former user wrote on 7/5/2016, 2:45 AM

Hi Trish/Mondi!

Two of the best musicans here in that Comm have meet to make a wonderful song and it goes me how Trish feels, I´ve tears in my eyes! In the young years of my life I´ve heard the music of Cat Stevens or of Art & Garfunkel and I feel wonder how nice music it can be! This song was the favorite song in my life and you make me so happy with it! How ever a wonderful playing and the voice of Mondi is great! A MASTERWORK of you both! Milestones and so many stars it gives for you both and a BIG BIG - THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL MOMENT! Take care and go on and I hope it gives much more music from you both! FAV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes ever


SpriteBat wrote on 7/5/2016, 10:20 AM

Sorry for the delay. This is very well done. Great job to both of you! I never heard the original, ufortunately, but in a way I'm glad this version was the first I've heard. Keep it up; I'd love to hear more collaborations. PS: You don't have to write me a thank you note because I know you hate doing it, hehe. 

GBTraveller wrote on 7/5/2016, 11:00 AM

Eine Arbeit erster Güte !  Meine Damen, ich verneige mich !

Volle Sterne !

Respektvolle Grüsse Freddy


A working first class! Ladies, I bow!

Full star!

Respectful Regards Freddy

rene.giesche wrote on 7/7/2016, 5:18 PM

Hallo! FunKey ich finde eine sehr gute gelungene Arbeit der Sound ist einfach klasse weiter so und alles gute auf diesem Weg weiterhin, gefällt mir sehr gut dafür ganz klar 5 Sterne von mir lg. Bluediamond73 Rene :) 

Former user wrote on 7/7/2016, 6:59 PM

Hi FunKey  

Well done music and voice , good created voice and music  

I like it all music 5 *****

rollii1953 wrote on 7/9/2016, 3:57 AM

Hee Trish!!!!!!!!!!!  

Das ist meine Zeit .. Cat war einer der ganz großen  zu der Zeit ..und du hastdas noch mal aufleben lassen FANTASTISCH  Dankeeee   5*************