Fast and Furious hounddoggy56 wrote on 10/25/2013, 12:20 PM 3 734 Tags: I wrote this as the background music for a video for a friend of mine which shows the workings of his business operations in a high speed tour......... Back to post
Comments jo-biwell wrote on 10/25/2013, 6:52 PM Très bon morceau...bravo !.. Amitié : Jo !.. Farstom wrote on 10/26/2013, 1:10 PM Now you show that you can. with earlier musics you wanted to test us. well done i like it marechal wrote on 10/26/2013, 4:48 PM bien musik ....super . marechal . hounddoggy56 wrote on 10/27/2013, 9:02 PM THANK YOU ALL. Nine tracks - Two Bass, Two percussion, Three SYNTH, One Drum, One FX and utilizes "Tater's Patented Multi-Track Audio Enhancement Technology......." for that clear dynamic sound. 1