
Former user wrote on 5/24/2014, 7:26 PM

"Fantasia" was written by Johann Pachelbel. Pachellbel was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1653.  The cover is  Predigkloster church where he was organist for 12 years.

It is a bit over a minute long which is most likely due to the fact that I play it FAST.

 I played it on my Alesis keyboard.



DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 5/24/2014, 8:25 PM

Hi Trish:
Very well received and acknowledged!

Take care, my friend.

Daniel Lyons

Former user wrote on 5/24/2014, 9:21 PM

Hi Trish:

Lovely dexterity, my good friend.  I have not heard this piece performed by a piano soloist since I was a piano student way back when.  This was one of those songs, in this vein, that any good classical music teacher encouraged a student to work on; not only to improve the nimbleness of the digits, but to enhance sight-reading acumen.

You really take me back with this one, "Piano Lady".  Now, if I can only unfurl my own 'gnarled fingers. <lol>

Well done.


AtomicFusion wrote on 5/25/2014, 2:35 AM

Hey Trish,

this is not entirely my direction, but very professionally played, with fast fingers

all the best


Former user wrote on 5/25/2014, 12:55 PM

Hi! Ehrlich gesagt, kirchenorientierte Orgeltöne machen mich nervös. Dass Du gut Tasten spielen kannst, stelle ich auch nicht in Frage.

LG / aces-e37

Piazzini wrote on 5/25/2014, 2:38 PM

Hoi Trish

Such organ sounds I associate immediately with church music.

The fact that you bring such sounds from a normal keyboard out I find impressive.

Very well played ...... amen!

en liebe gruess vom


Farstom wrote on 5/25/2014, 2:50 PM

nice played

Last changed by Farstom on 5/25/2014, 2:50 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Leomax wrote on 5/25/2014, 4:15 PM

i like it

danne wrote on 5/25/2014, 11:03 PM

Das Du spielen kannst, hast Du schon oft bewiesen, und mit diesen Stück einmal mehr.

LG, Daniel


emacor wrote on 5/26/2014, 4:43 PM

Hi Trish:

Amazing piece, played masterfully

All the best to you


Frantzi wrote on 6/11/2014, 6:10 AM

Quite good played, but for me a little bit too fast...
I have a problem with the Stereo-Panorama and the deep tunes.
Perhaps it depends on your keyboard (wich one did you use ?), or perhaps on my speakers (or my ears).
For me (so it seems) do the "Pedal-Tunes" not exist or are too soft for the player...
Try to record the piece in several times and mix it in the MMM....
Then you can navigate better with the volumes...
I did it by some other pieces and had good results...

P.S.: Wich "Fantasia" is it? I knew a lot of them....

Former user wrote on 6/11/2014, 9:24 AM

Hello Franzi.

In response to your questions,  I have opted to answer them to the best of my ability and post them on here in case anyone else is curious .   I used my trusty old Alesis QS8.  I told the brand and not the model above in my introduction.  Sorry.  

There are no written pedals for this and as far as I know.  I  listened to what I could find on YouTube and there were no pedals played on any that I could find.  Of course there were many more versions of Pachelbel's more popular "Canon in D" but not so many of this particular piece. .  I found this song listed as "Fantasia" and "Fantasia in D minor" on YouTube .  In my book, it is only called "Fantasia" although it IS in D minor.

I realize I play it fast although if I play it for weddings or church services, I slow it down. 

I hope that I have answered your questions to your satisfaction and if you have any additional inquiries please do not hesitate to ask me .

Thank you for your critique


stuallan wrote on 6/11/2014, 11:44 AM

Hi Trish,

Magnificent job! Super picture, love European architecture, could imagine the accoustics as this was being played in there.

As always, your musical ability is very evident in this very well played piece.

 Loved it!




Former user wrote on 6/12/2014, 3:39 AM

Hi Trish!

You have forget to send me that link! :-) No Problem, I´ve found it! Very very great playing Trish but it is only on my left ear or my right ear is broken! :-) Perhaps you can make it again, if you want! I love organ music too, yes you can believe that! :-) But for this moment it is very good what you make! Thank you!


Best wishes

regards Bernd