Falling Down

nevthetech wrote on 3/16/2015, 4:54 PM
Title: Falling Down
Artists: NevTheTech
Album: Syntax Error at Line 10

A heady mix of Prog Rock and Pop. It's seven minutes long, but worth it I reckon. Had this sitting on my hard drive for a few months and finally got around to finishing it. This one nearly broke the software (Magix Music Maker 2014) so I think it might come to rough edits and mastering on Pro Tools 10 in the future (at least, if I want to do anything ambitious that is) or get a better computer. Just need to learn Pro Tools 10 now... Bugger.
One of the greatest tools I have, are comments people like YOU make on my tracks. That way I can learn to figure out what works and what doesn't, otherwise I just produce stuff that might sound great to me, but actually sucks the sweat from a dead llama's butt. Help me out folks and make a comment. YOU KNOW you want to...


Gryami wrote on 3/16/2015, 8:00 PM

Hi Nev,

Welcome to Magix.  A very interesting piece. I have a release on here using the same lyrics, but not the way you have presented them.  I thought perhaps the drums were slightly heavy on volume, and needed to be pushed back a little.  On the other end of the stick, perhaps the voices need to be brought fowaed slightly.

Overall, a very nice track.  I look forward to hearing more from you.




tingel wrote on 3/18/2015, 2:00 PM

Hello and welcome (to the Show)... Du hast viel an dem Stück gearbeitet, das finde ich sehr gut. Doch das Stück fängt mit einem schönen Intro an, der einen leichten Spannungsbogen aufbaut... jedoch setzt Du dann fast aus - lässt den Beginn fast ausklingen um dann mit Bass und Drum einzusetzen..., die meinem Gehör nach nicht unbedingt das sind, was der Hörer nach diesem Intro erwartet hätte.

Dann verliert der Song den Druck der Backrounds und zu dominant sind Bass und Drum... leider verliert sich auch der Song in sich... Drum und Bass bleiben auf dem level, die Backrounds kommen nicht zur Geltung und die voices sind auch nicht der Hit. Die Voices schaffen es nicht, den Song nach vorne zu treiben.

Tut mir leid, das mein english nicht so gut ist... doch kürz den Song auf mindestens 5 min. und sorge für mehr Abwechslung... ansonsten eine schöne Idee, die leider zu einem langweiligen irgendwas verpufft... Grüße Tingel

Nickillus wrote on 3/19/2015, 3:29 AM

Leave that poor, dead llama alone.  Love the pick up in pace around 4.25 in particular, but there's lots to love in this, so I hope the rest doesn't feel left out.  Great track.  Grew up on prog rock, so I like the heavy drum balance.  Super introductory piece to announce yourself.  Welcome indeed.

juangarciamillan wrote on 3/19/2015, 4:41 PM

Very good mix of piano and strings before the rythm starts. The rythm itself is also very good. 

However I don't see the voice to fit very much with the whole song... Also It seems to me that volume in the last part of the song is higher than on the rest.

Good song overall.