
badwashbear wrote on 6/12/2024, 11:08 PM

Hello Paulo my Friend.

its a great Track. Amazing Sounds. I like your Vocals.💯💯👍👍👌

All the best.


franco-galateo wrote on 6/13/2024, 2:35 AM

interesting idea compositional.. good fusion musical .very well


Alter-Falter wrote on 6/13/2024, 9:21 AM

... ... !!! wrote on 6/13/2024, 9:22 AM

Very nice--❤️--👍👌✌️---

Jinty wrote on 6/13/2024, 9:47 AM

Hello Paulo,

I like your track it's Very Nice, the vocals sound great!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Semelles-de-Vent wrote on 6/13/2024, 11:44 AM

absolument merveilleux!!! tes amis indigènes sont comblés, et nous aussi!!! ( l'image aussi est superbe : l'amour vivant dans la flamme d'une chandelle!)

M.K.sounds wrote on 6/14/2024, 10:55 AM


Vio-Project wrote on 6/14/2024, 11:44 AM

Wonderful! Great atmosphere - very beautiful singing - top music with good instrumentation and wonderful sound! Very enjoyable to listen to! 💪💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑

See you soon and best wishes from Sylvio 😎

MG4 wrote on 6/14/2024, 3:10 PM

Nice Music and Vocal ´s , besonders Deine Stimme & Voices beeindruckt .

Gruß Andreas

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/19/2024, 11:09 PM


... ... !!!

Thanks My Friend Dear @Alter-Falter all the best for You ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ganfo wrote on 6/22/2024, 1:21 PM

. Track of the good quality.. i appreciate your compositional job!!!

Ganfo 😎

martin_coulmann wrote on 6/23/2024, 12:25 PM

Waaaas? schon zu Ende? In welcher Welt war ich gerade. Wie viele Jahre sind inzwischen auf der Erde vergangen??? 😍

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/23/2024, 7:46 PM

Waaaas? schon zu Ende? In welcher Welt war ich gerade. Wie viele Jahre sind inzwischen auf der Erde vergangen??? 😍

Thanks My Friend Martin.. Welcome @martin_coulmann all the best hugs😉

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/23/2024, 7:47 PM

. Track of the good quality.. i appreciate your compositional job!!!

Ganfo 😎

Thanks My Friend Ganfo @Ganfo all the best allways... hugs...🫡🤠👍

PATIENT-X wrote on 6/23/2024, 9:55 PM

Hi Paulo, what a great groove and rhythm, cool vox as usual, love the atmospheric vibes, i enjoyed the music, cheers 😉👍🍺🍺🍺

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Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/24/2024, 6:55 AM

Hi Paulo, what a great groove and rhythm, cool vox as usual, love the atmospheric vibes, i enjoyed the music, cheers 😉👍🍺🍺🍺

Thanxs thanks thnxs My Friend @PATIENT-X Stheeeéphen hugs hugs hugs...

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/6/2024, 10:56 AM

Waaaas? schon zu Ende? In welcher Welt war ich gerade. Wie viele Jahre sind inzwischen auf der Erde vergangen??? 😍

Thanxs Martin Welcome thanks thanks thanks My Friend @martin_coulmann 🤣 🤣 🤣 yesyesyesyes 😂

eu digitei errado la em cima em digitar ano de 1919 mas o correto é ano 2019... 🤠🤙🤚

Ich habe oben das Jahr 1919 falsch eingegeben, richtig ist das Jahr 2019. Ich habe versucht, das Problem zu beheben, aber es ist mir nicht gelungen. 😂

Thanks for your like.



Pat_02 wrote on 7/7/2024, 10:33 AM

Quite an exotic song pleasant to listen to with a beautiful rhythm and beautiful sounds of percussion and others, very good friend, it easily transports you to the bush lol. I like this atmosphere

Quite an exotic song pleasant to listen to with a beautiful rhythm and beautiful sounds of percussion and others, very good friend, it easily transports you to the bush lol. I like this atmosphere

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/8/2024, 11:03 AM

Quite an exotic song pleasant to listen to with a beautiful rhythm and beautiful sounds of percussion and others, very good friend, it easily transports you to the bush lol. I like this atmosphere

Quite an exotic song pleasant to listen to with a beautiful rhythm and beautiful sounds of percussion and others, very good friend, it easily transports you to the bush lol. I like this atmosphere

Thanks You My Friend @Pat_02 Welcome Thanks... sim aqui no Brasil em meu Estado do Amapá existem áreas florestais de preservação muito lindas...

Pat_02 wrote on 7/8/2024, 12:17 PM

Quite an exotic song pleasant to listen to with a beautiful rhythm and beautiful sounds of percussion and others, very good friend, it easily transports you to the bush lol. I like this atmosphere

Quite an exotic song pleasant to listen to with a beautiful rhythm and beautiful sounds of percussion and others, very good friend, it easily transports you to the bush lol. I like this atmosphere

Thanks You My Friend @Pat_02 Welcome Thanks... sim aqui no Brasil em meu Estado do Amapá existem áreas florestais de preservação muito lindas...

Desconfio disso meu amigo e felizmente eles estão protegidos...

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/8/2024, 8:04 PM

Nice Music and Vocal ´s , besonders Deine Stimme & Voices beeindruckt .

Gruß Andreas

yes Thanks My Friend @MG4