Dream of Tangerines

ricw147 wrote on 2/1/2015, 3:52 PM

In tribute to the late great Edgar Froese, I present "Dream of Tangerines".

I believe Edgars musical prowess is embedded in some way of every one that has ever tried to use loops to achieve a musical gendre that leads to one's imagination.

Comments as usual are very welcome




MW73 wrote on 2/2/2015, 3:40 AM

Ohne Tangerine Dream gäbe es heutzu Tage 

die schöne Synthi-Technik in unseren Hobby Musikzimmern nicht.

Ein wirklich schönes Tribute Stück

Former user wrote on 2/2/2015, 12:29 PM

Hi! ricw147. Kenne ich nun gar nicht. Wenn es ein Musiker sein soll, dann hätte ich auch etwas gern von ihm gehört ... anteilig mit eingebracht.

LG / aces-e37

djroar wrote on 2/2/2015, 2:14 PM

Hello my friend

Tangerin Dream one of my fav from the good old days, this one you have made here is just awsome :-)

Peace from Roar :-)

Last changed by djroar on 2/2/2015, 2:14 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Music has always been part of my life. I started making music as a hobby for a couple of years ago. I work in an aluminum production plant, hard work but I'm not complaining.

Cheers Music friends :-)

Former user wrote on 2/2/2015, 2:35 PM

just looking at the photo of the cover makes me shiver, Egdar Froese and dream big tangerime are and remain my heroes.
you had a great courage to create a song and dedicate it to this sacred monster.
but we come to the song, definitely synth arpeggios are in line with the type of music that tangerine dream have always composed, the difference is only in the material sowftware music that they have and you do not have.
I really appreciated this your performance.
it takes courage and you've got
you're great


Former user wrote on 2/3/2015, 1:08 PM

...viel zu große Schuhe...

smartsmurf wrote on 2/7/2015, 12:26 PM

didn't listen to much tangerine dream... but i really like this music of yours.

incredible high speed theme... arpeggiator.

Former user wrote on 2/9/2015, 5:06 AM

Very good music  !   5*