
stuallan wrote on 2/9/2015, 11:36 AM

Hi Indigo,

Loved the vibe at the start and the melody change ups. I lost the flow a bit at 2:29 but loved the recovery at 2:50.

Overall great job!


Best Regards,


Former user wrote on 2/9/2015, 3:08 PM

Hi Indigo:

I love anything with a cat cover. <lol>  I agree with Stu.  The opening of this tune is very enjoyable, but the "recovery" is even better.  Overall, nicely presented, my friend.


Former user wrote on 2/10/2015, 1:27 PM

Hi! info4u2. Den hattest Du wirklich gut hinbekommen ... wie erfreulich die Musik doch war. Gefiel

LG / aces-e37

Former user wrote on 2/10/2015, 4:03 PM

Eine leichte und luftige Musik, gut gemacht.

peterjirka40 wrote on 2/13/2015, 10:16 AM

Very nice track and very good sound .

I like it .

Former user wrote on 2/13/2015, 1:34 PM

Hey Indigo

I'm jumping on board the Griff ship. (along with Stu).  I actually don't hear anything askew at 2:09, just a little veer off from the path you were taking but to me, it's a little side trip that circles right back to the main drag. A little variation is often a good thing.  It keeps us listeners on our toes to see if the side trip resolves itself back to the main theme.

I hope this makes sense because I was having some difficulty putting my  thoughts into words.
