Diabolic Mind Control (Skyhigh Mix) Guitorb wrote on 3/25/2011, 7:40 PM 16 174 Tags: Title: Diabolic Mind Control (Skyhigh mix) Artists: Guitorb Album: 07 08 19 waves I need a helmet to protect my brain from all of the propaganda that is being spewed out by the beast. Back to post
Comments Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 3/25/2011, 9:56 PM EXCELLENT !!!!! I LIKE VERY MUCH !! CIAO DA SANDRO Spartano wrote on 3/26/2011, 3:07 AM Klasse Musik mein Freund,5* Herzlichen Gruß Spartano! Former user wrote on 3/26/2011, 4:32 AM Excellent. No more 2 say ;) lg Serge Former user wrote on 3/26/2011, 4:37 AM Do you think that is enough? This is so pernicious, they will eventually bite the injected .... By cons, here you have a fantastic guitar. Bravo Ted! MW73 wrote on 3/26/2011, 5:21 AM Hat zuweilen mal was von ZZTop echt klasse. mohnysh wrote on 3/26/2011, 6:26 AM classic mixing Former user wrote on 3/26/2011, 8:50 AM Trommelt hier mehr als das GitarrenSpiel -:Hat aber viel drin finde ich! YaraLove smartsmurf wrote on 3/26/2011, 10:17 AM And the beast is a shape shifter... Spokesmen... Politicians... or just the stupid neighbour... Former user wrote on 3/26/2011, 6:51 PM Super Gefält mir. Lg.Beamish Cosmozentriker wrote on 3/27/2011, 4:05 AM .... wow,.. if you found,... the helmet ,... to protect a brain,... .. please give me the configuration of this helmet,... I need also one! LG Paul P.S.: ... may be "nature" can help sometimes .... Former user wrote on 3/27/2011, 4:11 PM Original! A little funk, a little rock, a little acid. I like this creative sounds. Bye Davide StoneFace wrote on 3/28/2011, 11:44 AM yessss .... A helmet is sufficient if it then something is heard. The sound of the guitar is like me, just the mix ... and the sound The end you had another second to give .... sorry was a few weeks off-line many greeting Stoni jorual wrote on 3/29/2011, 3:55 AM Hallo Ted, Class music you have done. BR jorual TommyG wrote on 3/29/2011, 4:53 AM Phantastic and creative Rock song. Or should I say "Jazzrock"? And it`s even more. "Prog Jazzrock" - this word is approbiate I think. Former user wrote on 3/31/2011, 4:42 PM very nice!!!!!! jos31620 wrote on 4/11/2011, 9:36 AM super piste bravo amical jos samp wrote on 4/14/2011, 11:25 AM Just listening.... great structure! Love it! LG samp 1