Delivering Absolute Nirvana (Level 01)

3DSownz wrote on 7/3/2023, 5:34 AM
Tags: Dubstep, Music Maker artist, Techno, Metal, Disco, Rock, Alternative, Trance

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franco-galateo wrote on 7/3/2023, 9:10 AM

good electronic sound..very well


SmaragdFee wrote on 7/3/2023, 12:11 PM

sehr speziell verbinde das zu etwas mehr in harmonie und du kriegst hörbare musik daraus für den versuch ein herzchen cheerrss

melson wrote on 7/3/2023, 1:37 PM

Die effekte sind super. Ja noch etwas gesang aber super sound.

3DSownz wrote on 7/3/2023, 6:46 PM

The effects are great. Yes, some singing but great sound.

There's four words in this that are actually repeated through the whole entire track but became most of the SFX you hear...
in a different track I created I have me repeated the phrase "down with terrorist and covid statics"