Deleted Scenes (Revised) Sect.23 wrote on 8/4/2008, 7:25 PM 5 562 Tags: Apologies for the second upload, but I like this version MUCH better. Cheers, JayC Back to post
Comments seraphin wrote on 8/5/2008, 12:51 PM Heyyyyyy MMMyyyy FFFrrriiiieeennnndddd iiiii lllllooooovvveeeee iiiitttssss allllllsssssoooooo !!!!! GGGGoooooooddddd jjjjjooooobbbbb my great friend !! Baptiste 6-21-3-11 wrote on 8/6/2008, 4:36 AM bien Former user wrote on 10/18/2008, 5:29 PM great stuff buddy greetings @ndy Former user wrote on 11/13/2008, 11:26 AM i love this bio-tech.nice touch with the giger art too. Kourse wrote on 4/18/2009, 5:51 PM holy crap!!!!...i can't believe i missed this one! well done . new fave 4 sure! u gota let me lay some vox and samples on it.... Again well done this is sick! 1