
info4u2 wrote on 12/10/2013, 12:14 AM

Hello Stuallan

Enjoyed this track with its north African, Arabic and Indian fusion mix. The music appears to have been put together very nicely with the interplay of the drums and then the interplay of the strings from the different cultures playeda conversational dance in my mind.

Delightful experience - Thank you


Former user wrote on 12/10/2013, 4:19 AM

with clear rhythmic fusion of ethnic music, melody was composed with tools well suited to the context world dellla track.
Your order has been reached, a music to listen to then travel with the mind
very good great job


lepetitfranc wrote on 12/10/2013, 5:31 AM

beautiful work.........


                         i love        5+++++++++

Former user wrote on 12/10/2013, 6:43 AM

die drums kommen mir sehr bekannt vor,meine,dass diese aus dem movie ordner sind,die sind sehr dominant im ausgangsmaterial allein schon und schwierig diese nach zu bearbeiten im sound.

schöne orientalische atmosphäre,die drums sind so hart in den tiefen-frequencen sodass alles einbricht im hintergrund sobald die drums einsetzen.

eine ehrliche kritik und hoffe Du kannst verstehen was ich geschrieben habe.

auch hoffe das Du ehrliche meinungen lesen möchtest.

ansonsten gefällt mir Dein song.

in der gesammtwertung liege ich hier allerdings mit 4 punkten,was ein sehr gut ist und vielleicht bearbeitest Du es noch mal,5 punkte wären hier locker drin gewesen wenn die drums nicht gewesen wären in ihrem klang.

hoffe auf Deine kritikfähigkeit und wünssche einen schönen tag Stullan !

stefan (nafets)

Piazzini wrote on 12/11/2013, 10:19 AM

Hoi Stuallan

I love oriental sounds and you have put together a very interesting piece.

Very good selection of sampels and skilfully arranged.
Must agree to ignore. The drum is very dominant and crushed the barely existing Bkgrnd.

Very exciting sound

En liebe gruess vom


Farstom wrote on 12/11/2013, 11:57 AM

de kardeşi olarak
nice work
nice sounds
i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 12/11/2013, 11:57 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 12/11/2013, 10:56 PM

well my goodness, AllenStu!

That was an adventure! And I LOVE the title, not a big fan of either the grain or the spice but the song was very, very well done!!!.

The dynamics and depth really kicked in at around 1:30.  Do you cook too?


Happy Holidays and a Ho! HO! HO!!!


gerrycix wrote on 12/15/2013, 9:20 AM

Hello Stuallan

Very good composition ....compliments !

Ciao David

Former user wrote on 12/18/2013, 10:11 AM


Je pars en voyage avec ta nouvelle musique :  superbe aussi et bravo !        *****

Et bon réveillon  !

Amical Tony

Former user wrote on 12/18/2013, 10:27 AM

Hi Stu:

Wonderful use of the Tom drums and rhythms my friend.  I've always enjoyed the unique sounds of Mid-East as well as East Indian music.  These regions of the world, use a vast array of instruments that produce some really interesting sounds.

I'll speak with you again as soon as my Magic Carpet lands...

Take care and may you and your family have a real healthy and prosperous holiday season!


Funnywico wrote on 12/19/2013, 9:52 PM

I´m afraid of flying and I don`t like oriental music but a magic carpet ride sounds interesting. So I started the journey and really: I enjoyed it! It`s an interesting mix.

Merry Christmas!


jorgejerzy wrote on 1/11/2014, 6:33 AM

Yeah, in dem Titel ist Couscous und Curry drin. Sehr drumlasitg. Aber das gefällt mir.




Starless Friend

Das Ende hättest Du 5 Sekunden länger machen sollen. Denn jetzt klingt es, wie angeschnitten.

info4u2 wrote on 1/16/2014, 3:38 PM


North African as well as Indian images come to mind, I like a strong drum beat and you put the drums in to the background when a solo instrument was playing.

Great technique, loved listening to this track over and over.


Former user wrote on 1/27/2016, 4:40 PM

Très bonnes basses , drums .

Je suis parti en voyage avec du soleil brûlant .

Excellente aussi 

Bonsoir Robert