
Former user wrote on 4/14/2013, 9:50 AM

hello, but where have you gone, it is time that I had not heard from you.
we pass to the song, I realized that you worked on a new sound research, then new synth.
this song is special, it seems a mix of ambient and electro jazz, very light instrumentally varied.
overall I would say that is a great job



danne wrote on 4/14/2013, 10:33 AM

Hi Steve. 

Der Hall und Echo finde ich sehr gut. Auch Sound und Instrumentierung sind sehr gelungen und der Minimalismus geföllt mir sehr. 

Sehr schöner Song.

Besten Gruß, Daniel

tgfmusica wrote on 4/14/2013, 11:48 AM

Pezzo buono di ispirazione jazz, ben fatta, suoni suggestivi, bravo, tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao 

Former user wrote on 4/14/2013, 12:34 PM

Klasse ... Musik ..

Gruß Oktave

Former user wrote on 4/14/2013, 12:57 PM

very funky beat steve.

very cool indeed from start to end.

from macca.


Farstom wrote on 4/14/2013, 2:30 PM

well done

i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 4/14/2013, 2:30 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 4/14/2013, 4:53 PM

Hi Steve,

i agree to our friends, you did a great job!


Nickillus wrote on 4/15/2013, 7:41 AM

Great stuff.  Yes definitely hoping for the 'more' you have hinted may be on its way - please.

Former user wrote on 4/15/2013, 12:27 PM

Welch eine Überraschung: Nicht nur diese Eine ist bekannt -es gibt noch vieles mehr zu erforschen -vielleicht wird das Unmögliche möglich. Kalt ist daher auch nicht ausreichend beschrieben. Es gibt Gründe, wieso es so ist -es gibt viele Fragen auf -da werden unsere Wissenschaftler sich richtig dicke Stücken vom Kuchen abschneiden -, !!


Former user wrote on 4/15/2013, 12:50 PM

the song is a mix of great music. sound of the highest quality, perfect mixing and high sound quality
very very good

Maboe wrote on 4/15/2013, 2:32 PM

Steve, I'm so glad that you're here again!

I like this piece of music, very well done!


TommyG wrote on 4/15/2013, 6:32 PM

Ultracool. Funky, jazzy and a bit space opera. Beautiful symbiosis.

I´m glad, you returned and went on composing music. eager to hear more of this stuff.


Starless friend

Huck wrote on 4/16/2013, 8:22 AM


Gefällt mir gut!!!

Finde ich gut gemacht!!!

Gruß Huck!

Trommel-Herbert wrote on 4/16/2013, 2:51 PM


a wonderful job.


Starless friend

alan-corns wrote on 8/9/2018, 5:33 PM