Lots of stuff going on, melody and counterpoint. Very imagiative. I can tell that a lot of work went into this.
Could also see (hear) this as a soundtrack. Very well done!.
One little tweak: I found the end a little abrupt although in goes with the frantic pace of the piece. Just personal preference for a slow fade to bring me back down to earth.
I think that quite a few tracks run together .... that makes the music quite opaque and confusing.
Delete unimportant tracks, or set it to "MUTE". In order to bring more structure and movement in your piece.
En liebe gruess vom
Former user
wrote on 1/23/2014, 5:17 AM
the ideas I see that you are missing and your interaction with loops magix seems to me excellent.
compositionally overall I'd say fine.
the advice that I can give you and that when you compose a song is not important that you use a lot of loops, it is more the change in tone.
What then are musically agreements
As always, what I write are only opinions and advice
however went on the road is the right one
..klingt so, als hättest du die Chöre rückwärts laufen lassen(..), denn sie laufen nicht fließend ineinander, sind so abgehackt, oder wie man es nennen darf