Complexity and Confusion Guitorb wrote on 8/2/2011, 12:13 PM 20 238 Tags: Title: Complexity and Confusion Artists: Album: My Fender Stratocaster through a Marshall amp. Back to post
Comments Spartano wrote on 8/2/2011, 1:13 PM Klasse Musik, die Musik hat einen Guten Rhythmus, Herzlichen Gruß Spartano! LEFTHANDER wrote on 8/2/2011, 1:52 PM Passt alles zusammen ....die Gitarrenarbeit ist klasse und schräge Musik dazu. Der Titel passt auch zum Cover und zur Musik. Schön verschnörkelt und wie es der Titel auch beschreibt. Deine Musik eignet sich gut für gewisse Comics. LG Lefty blacki-S wrote on 8/2/2011, 2:29 PM Hört sich genial an! Ordentlich schräg das ganze. 5* Gruss blacki Former user wrote on 8/2/2011, 2:55 PM Hi, crazygood Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 8/2/2011, 4:14 PM Skurille ideas I leaves you . You point worked like this. Very good my friend. Tyler Frantzi wrote on 8/2/2011, 4:30 PM Little kneefall... a little bit scurill (see below) but loveable because "tres musical"... 5* Franz A little problem: the "technical languages" begin to divergent.... LADY_DREAMFIRE wrote on 8/3/2011, 12:16 AM starkes teil!crazääää Huck wrote on 8/3/2011, 3:36 AM Hallo! Klasse gemacht!!!! Gruß Huck! Former user wrote on 8/3/2011, 10:06 AM As usual, no inconvenience, to listen to this track .... You are at the top of excellence for me .... smartsmurf wrote on 8/3/2011, 11:34 AM Very complex but not confusing at all... once you hear the structure it's all crystal clear... just like the guitar in your cover... Great Music !!! datamix wrote on 8/3/2011, 11:35 AM HI! ; This track is crazy genial and good!!!!!!, your guitar here is fantastic in fusion, you are full of good ideas and profetional implemented datamix TommyG wrote on 8/3/2011, 1:35 PM Nice rocky one with the typical voice-samoles fron former mediums, Sounds strong and powerful.Good drums. the end is very surprising. A martial movie track, okay, witty idea. ZIGGI wrote on 8/3/2011, 1:40 PM Always fascinating and a pleasure. BR Brian LOOSER wrote on 8/3/2011, 10:23 PM 5 Rana wrote on 8/4/2011, 2:24 AM I can listen hours and hours of your jam sessions Ted, another excellent piece. Cosmozentriker wrote on 8/4/2011, 2:43 AM I'm speechless again, very excited and enthusiastic! LG Paul Magellan21 wrote on 8/4/2011, 4:12 AM Richtige Power Musik! Gute Arbeit! Gitarre passt Perfekt! samp wrote on 8/4/2011, 11:35 AM Purest joy!!!! Not really a comment..... just enjoyment to listen... Very interesting sounds between the guitar parts...... LG samp 5***** redisland wrote on 8/5/2011, 6:05 AM super musik fav gruss die redis Sect.23 wrote on 8/6/2011, 2:47 PM Whoa.....I love how this starts, and how the guitars ride along with the drums, and , and, and, continuously blow my mind, Ted. GHEEEE!!! Cheers buddy, Sect23 jorual wrote on 8/28/2011, 2:12 PM Hi Ted, Very cool guitar play. BR Jorual Cosmic_Paul wrote on 10/4/2011, 4:41 AM LG Paul Guitarjams wrote on 6/23/2013, 9:05 AM Cool stuff Ted! Great tone from the guitar! Cosmozentriker wrote on 4/24/2015, 7:33 AM .. it's me again! 1