Code Of Conduct

mrdrinky wrote on 3/2/2013, 5:29 PM

Well I've been practising with the software since my first upload and here is the result. An organic piece that grew out of the movie samples into a musical statement on the futilty of war. Please let me know what you thiunk and where I could have made improvements. Chin, chin.


Former user wrote on 3/3/2013, 12:53 PM

Hi mrdrinky 

very good work soundtracks music 

very nice music  I like it 5*****

Pendergast wrote on 3/9/2013, 8:18 AM

beautiful, especially the beginning !!! but i think the end could be improved a little bit ;)

Former user wrote on 3/12/2013, 2:04 PM

Hier variieren die Lautstärken ganz stark voneinander. Könnte man anpassen, damit es klanglich etwas mehr rüber kommt -, !!


mrdrinky wrote on 3/31/2013, 4:18 PM

Thanks for the comments and for listening - you're right about the ending - will do something about it when I feel a moment coming on.

