Ciao to Adieu

Rana wrote on 10/1/2009, 11:56 PM
Hi Friends,

Past couple of weeks have been quite a challenge with the fight against Nicotine but so far so good.

This track is a new beggining for me as well. Whether its' a habit, a journey,  breaking up from a relationship or even death, saying goodbye is always difficult but what needs to be done needs to be done. Each goodbye brings across newer avenues of experiences, learning, understanding and a higher level of maturity. The essence of inevitable change....... let's embrace it with a welcoming Hello....


masni wrote on 10/2/2009, 1:06 AM
Very GOOD ..  for relax        Ciao  Carl 
Hydrogen65 wrote on 10/2/2009, 1:23 AM
Hi Rana,
very good track....
LEFTHANDER wrote on 10/2/2009, 1:23 AM
Hi Rana,

you work with Richard Clyderman together.
Cool Piano Number......very full of feelings.
Yes, that can i enjoy.
You are always flexibel in your Songs.

LG and nice Weekend
Spartano wrote on 10/2/2009, 2:14 AM

Anfang sehr Schön, aber ich denke ein bisschen zu viel wiederholung!
Herzliche grüsse Spartano!

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 2:30 AM
Very good Track!

best Regards, Ralf
Cosmic_Paul wrote on 10/2/2009, 3:11 AM
.... that's welcome in my mornig mood ,...
very, very nice peaceful music,... thanks for the touch,..
and your message!

bw Paul
beabea wrote on 10/2/2009, 3:20 AM
as paul said: very, very, very nice peaceful music...embraced me with its welcoming hello
TommyG wrote on 10/2/2009, 4:58 AM
Sounds pretty nice, indeed.

DJ-WIZEC-Ying wrote on 10/2/2009, 5:05 AM
Nice smoothy track. had have a goodby feeling. Traurig ! Aber sehr schön .
Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 5:41 AM
I`m feeling.

LG Hans Josef
Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 6:27 AM
Hi Rana

Another nice track from you^^
Very good quality and nice melodie with that touch of  ( dont no the right word but the smiley helps me^^) and on the other side the hopefully touch.
i hope you can read my english^^.
* * * *
have a nice day
Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 7:31 AM
Hi there, Rana!

It's always good to start a new life.

And this song is saying that, i think. Nice track of you.

Nice Song!


Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 7:42 AM
Gefühlvoll, variabel in Rhythmus und Tonart, wundervolle Melodie!
Gruß, Ingo
ThaiArne wrote on 10/2/2009, 7:54 AM
Very beautiful track... kind of sad... very emotional...

The break at 2:11-2:18 sounds a bit strange to me...
falling_starz wrote on 10/2/2009, 8:14 AM
Very beautiful music, so sad as sweet.
In my opinion, it sounds like an instrumental, as if the voice had been cut. If you could find the right vocals to join the music, I think it would be perfect. 
I know what you mean with the inevitable goodbyes, because I recently lost someone very dear to me and to my family and it's such a mess of feelings, feeling so weak and impotent and at the same time feeling that something inside of us has become stronger to face the future obstacles easier.
siggi_s wrote on 10/2/2009, 8:16 AM
Hi Rana,

wirklich sehr schön!

G Siggi S.
Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 8:25 AM
Very good sound!!!!!!!

AmandaJo wrote on 10/2/2009, 8:51 AM
Hi Rana,

it sounds nice, lovely and a little bit sad.

Best Regards, Amanda

Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 9:09 AM
 Hello Rana,

Ciao to Adieu is very good and beautiful! 5 Points from Germany!
Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 9:13 AM
hallo rana,

you have created it, with thats smoke to stop....nicely for yourself...and this subject you have moved suitably in addition...


Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 9:22 AM
Hi Rana,
WOW - what a wonderful song, perfect.

Former user wrote on 10/2/2009, 9:28 AM
Die Klavierpassagen kommen mir irgendwie sehr bekannt vor?? Aber nein, es ist Top gelungen!
redisland wrote on 10/2/2009, 9:39 AM
sehr schön
gruss dieter
Gildean wrote on 10/2/2009, 10:27 AM
Flows nicely, restful and melancholy, but uplifting in a nice way.  I sense a vocal on this would put it over the top.  Nicely done!!