
Former user wrote on 6/1/2015, 5:26 AM

this time I managed to hit my musical imagination.
with a very particular track, but interesting.
you do a mix of classical and electronic music, I would call the modern version
the great Gentle Giant.
Large group of progressive 70s
very good


bikergsx wrote on 6/2/2015, 3:58 PM

Hi Nickillus,

You've really excelled with this one. Such rich sounds perfectly moulded to form a compulsive track.  I like the way you add so much polish to the finished article.  Me, as you know, I'm a bit 'rough and ready' with my tracks...

I feel as if I've got chocolate all over my face now, having listened to this superb track.  Well done mate. 



TetleyAnderton wrote on 6/4/2015, 2:30 PM

I can tell that you have fun when you you sit down to make your music, because it shows.  Well done Nickillus.

gerrycix wrote on 6/4/2015, 4:50 PM

Hello Nick,

Great sound ....very good idea !

Bravo !

Ciao David

Edi-no1 wrote on 6/5/2015, 10:14 AM

Hi Nick,

your chocolate box is really tasty. I love sweets and I can eat it at one go.

Perfectly done, I really like your sounds.




MuggeMaker wrote on 6/10/2015, 12:05 AM

Great track, nickillus. 

"Really tasty"!

guentersiegert wrote on 6/15/2015, 9:04 AM

A wonderful piece of music.