centre de circularis

Former user wrote on 3/8/2011, 4:18 PM

forgive me for not being around for a while.

a lot of stuff going on lately. new job, busted speakers, and maybe just a little lack of enthusiasm.

but managed to finally squeeze this one out. i feel like it needs a little more tightening up, and some more work on the kick. the kick may also be short on thickness. its meant to be a typical fat synth kick but near the end is where my speaker was damaged so what im hearing during playback is a little decieving.

hope you like!


Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 3/8/2011, 4:51 PM

Great work & cover.


Excellent track with a touch of synth like ``Emerson Lake and Palmer ``.





Former user wrote on 3/8/2011, 5:04 PM

Kommt so überraschend -:Ist so nachdenklich schön!



smartsmurf wrote on 3/8/2011, 5:55 PM

Don't be too hard on yourself... this sounds really great (compared to my humble tries on music anyway...)


With everyone of your tracks you create an atmosphere... which makes me wonder what idea/ inspiration is behind it... (won't forget what you told me about trans-memory...)


This is not only music... for me it's the art of music !!!




Didn't see "69 bars" 'round here... or is this "Project Phalanx"..?

Former user wrote on 3/9/2011, 2:00 AM

Burnout mein Freund.

Ja man merkt am Ausdruck das im Moment alles ein wenig viel ist.

Mir gefällt dein Track sehr gut.Past er doch zu gut in diese Zeit.

Deine Mängel fallen hier nicht auf...mir gefällt er wie er ist.

Sehr sehr ehrlich und cool.


Spartano wrote on 3/9/2011, 3:32 AM

Eine Ähnliche Exzellente Musik Still wie mein Freund Pitchfork!

Klasse! 5*

Herzlichen Gruß Spartanó!

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Former user wrote on 3/9/2011, 6:46 AM



lg RazorCH

Cosmozentriker wrote on 3/9/2011, 8:04 AM

... oh..... love the feeling,... ..... from the beginning,...

... and the stereo style,..  very nice sensitive music!


LG Paul

andreasrath wrote on 3/9/2011, 10:05 AM

Exzellent Track!!


wonderfull Sounds!

samp wrote on 3/9/2011, 11:06 AM

Smartsmurf was the first who told me about you.... and he was SO right...

Your music is great. I just wish to listen....

To be away for a while.....

that is needed sometimes....


Atmospheric greetings

Former user wrote on 3/9/2011, 12:44 PM

I love this song  !!   Excellent   5**



Former user wrote on 3/9/2011, 2:28 PM


cool sound and excellent work.

Cosmozentriker wrote on 3/9/2011, 2:30 PM

 ... it's me again!

Sect.23 wrote on 3/9/2011, 8:13 PM

Mindblowing, my compadre!! I know I have writen 8 words so far, but one word: Amazing!! 

Rana wrote on 3/10/2011, 1:32 PM

So good to see you around once more! I can understand, everyone goes through such phases.


Stunning track is all I can say!

NervZone wrote on 3/10/2011, 1:37 PM

Absolut professionelle Arbeit.


Exzellent ***** *


Gruss Nerv Zone

mohnysh wrote on 3/10/2011, 3:56 PM

k but came with good blast superb

Former user wrote on 3/10/2011, 4:06 PM

Sometimes hypnotic, sometimes mystycal.

I like it very much.

seems to project us on another dimension....

5 stars and fav



B59fly wrote on 3/10/2011, 7:07 PM

 Bravo, das Thema gut umgesetzt, Exzellent!

Guitorb wrote on 3/10/2011, 7:17 PM

 You have made the dialog an integral part of the song. They belong together. I know that's not an easy thing to do. It is obvious that you take great care in what you present here. I,for one,appreciate that.

Sect.23 wrote on 3/11/2011, 8:44 PM

Agreed, Ted.....  :)

audionaut is a perfectionist....nothing but tip-top quality and attention......luv this song

Cosmozentriker wrote on 3/12/2011, 2:21 AM



LG Paul

samp wrote on 3/13/2011, 8:46 AM

Me again....just wanted to get a bit of your music again...


samp wrote on 3/13/2011, 8:47 AM

Me again....just wanted to get a bit of your music again...


seraphin wrote on 3/13/2011, 9:22 AM

Hello my friend,



Electronic and modern !!


It's for me an Electronic/ Trip Hop song !!


As massive attack but more in electronic !!!


Fav !


