Brenda's Swagger

gospelbj1 wrote on 10/31/2015, 4:07 PM

Hello Fam,

Time for another new piece.  This song is called, "Brenda's Swagger."  Contrary to the negative connotations the words Swag and Swagger have generated over the past few years, it means quite the opposite.  The word Swagger means to carry yourself in a very confident way.  In other words, you know who you are, and you are proud to carry on confidently because of it.  That is the true meaning of the word.  So this contemporary jazz piece reflects my swagger...enjoy!!!




TetleyAnderton wrote on 10/31/2015, 4:20 PM

I like your swag, Brenda.    This is a very nice jazz piece.  Going to my Fav's.

Former user wrote on 10/31/2015, 5:05 PM

Admiro este sonido,sinceramente me gusta mucho,muy agradable y como siempre con mucha clase,gran armonia y sentimiento sosegado...Fantastico. Poder escuchar de amigos tan lejanos fisicamente es fascinante para mi,He aqui un gran trabajo.

TrishM wrote on 10/31/2015, 5:07 PM

Hey hey Ms. Swag

You are  the smooth jazz woman on here fer shure!    Thanks for the email btw. Love the improv in the treble, love the chords you used and love the drums. What is not to love about this very cool piece.  You travel through major and minor with ease and keep it interesting for the listener. 

Nice fade at the end too........

Into the Fav file it goes


Soundschill wrote on 10/31/2015, 5:12 PM

It`s cool. I like it!


NorbertSN wrote on 10/31/2015, 5:39 PM

Hello Brenda,

You created a very easy to listen, though still complex piece of Jazz music.

Very nice and clearly one of the best pieces I heard here so far.

Love it.

Best regards, Norbert

AugeAugeAuge wrote on 10/31/2015, 5:59 PM

Also Jazz finde ich schon mal ganz großartig. Fühlt sich sehr gut an. Und das Cover ist sehr ansprechend.

AtomicFusion wrote on 10/31/2015, 6:06 PM


aber sehr gut gemacht von Dir !

LG, Jojo

Former user wrote on 10/31/2015, 7:52 PM

Very well done !! ... I like your jazz

Father_of_Joy wrote on 11/1/2015, 1:40 AM

That's a nice swinging music in order to start the new day! 

Former user wrote on 11/1/2015, 4:02 AM

Hallo Brenda

This no doubt is your musical world, where you can give the best of yourself, music flowing fluid light with refined shades.
music that room and that you listen for hours.
song as always of the highest quality


Former user wrote on 11/1/2015, 5:12 AM

Hi hi hi Lady!

Another amazing piece of music. Your piano playing is so great, my skin vibrate. Excellent instruments too in the background. I can say ever the same - go on Brenda, you are one of the best member, we have here in that Com and what ever you do with music - you do it right! Thank you for sharing and have a nice sunday. Five stars goes to America!


Best regards and wishes



MuggeMaker wrote on 11/1/2015, 5:27 AM

Nice swinging jazz piece.

Very relax, i like it.

jimrox1 wrote on 11/1/2015, 8:27 AM

Just beautiful piece of music , very nice . Your music makes me coming back to earth after a long haloween party ;) . Thanks for sharing  , my best wishes , J

Nickillus wrote on 11/1/2015, 9:34 AM

Smooooooooooth sounds, Brenda.  Mellow blissfulness abounds again in this lovely piece.  Glorious key changes, subtle nuances and beautiful harmonies - all the hallmarks of an offering from Craven corner.  Knockout work.

Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 11/1/2015, 12:34 PM

A breath of ambient / chill & jazz.
Very good Brenda,... i like is so mutch.


gerrycix wrote on 11/1/2015, 4:24 PM

Hello Brenda ,

Fantastic  atmosphere ...excellent composition!

Great work , ...Brava !

Ciao David


TommyG wrote on 11/2/2015, 5:54 AM

Very cool. A real swag. Nice improvisations, relaxed atmosphere. Good to hear your songs again.


Former user wrote on 11/2/2015, 8:37 AM

Hi Brenda:

Well, what else can I add?  This is the kind of music that provides the backdrop of much of my source entertainment.  Smooth, flowing, mellow...  Your piano sings and hums, Ms. Lady.  A real morning treat.

You're the best (he said once again).

Griff (Griffster)


olivier28 wrote on 11/2/2015, 3:57 PM

une musique trés relaxante

de la grande musique

beaucoup de plaisir




Edi-no1 wrote on 11/3/2015, 8:45 AM

Hi Brenda,

what a great piece, relaxing and smooth. I like it.



Beamish-Spartano wrote on 11/5/2015, 1:40 AM

Sehr schöne relaxe Musik, das ist dein Musikstill,

Lg, von Joachim.

Last changed by Beamish-Spartano on 11/5/2015, 1:40 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

Farstom wrote on 11/5/2015, 5:24 AM

nice work

well done

i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 11/5/2015, 5:24 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



GBTraveller wrote on 11/5/2015, 7:48 AM

Hi Brenda ,
great neat smooth music with clear sound image .
I love it.
Greeting Freddy

martinheeremans wrote on 11/6/2015, 10:41 AM

A very nice swagger you have there, a Jazzy and bubbly one! Very welcoming.

Did you synth this track yourself? Very nicely done with everything.

The opening, almost crystal like sounds are very appealing.

The drums roll along very smoothly with a little click click every now and then.

The bouncy, old school piano plays its part very well to match the bass, and with the added melodic pad sounds, it helps to make a feeling that is in no way chaotic, but well organised and well planned.

Great Work!