
IanCave wrote on 4/7/2015, 2:43 PM

Hi there Studly!Nice composition work!About vocals, why dont you try to sing yourself,thers a tool in Magix dont know the name yet but with this tool you can correct singing.Or maybe you dont need it,maybe you are a good singer but just never tried!So keep inspired & see you!

Former user wrote on 4/8/2015, 12:31 PM

beautiful sound and interesting track.

very well


studly wrote on 4/8/2015, 6:37 PM

Thanks Guys, I might give it a go Cavemann see what happens but i wont hold my Breathe LMAO

Dirtzilla wrote on 4/14/2015, 9:42 PM

The song is very nicely done and you can alter the vocal loops to fix in your songs. Also you can purchase vocal packs of loops to add to your collection of vocal loops. Your work is very good and I know how you feel about magix vocal loops. I wanted more but only had that which came with the solfware.

Keep doing what you're doing and you will fine the loops you want.

Great Track


studly wrote on 4/15/2015, 10:06 PM

Thanks for your comments Dirtzilla, can you tell me where i can buy these extra vocal loop.



Gryami wrote on 7/18/2015, 10:34 PM

Hallo studly,

Considering the Magix vocals available, I think you have done a fine job blending the vocals into this song.  Everything is evenly balanced which makes for pleasurable listening.

Well done!!




studly wrote on 7/21/2015, 9:24 PM

Thanks for your comment Gryami