Baking Pretzels (The Rodfellows, Season 4, Episode 1) DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 6/13/2014, 4:11 PM 1 100 Tags: Width: 640 Height: 480 Duration: 02:13 Format: x-ms-asf Since the creator has completed the Season 3 Rodfellows episodes, the creator has started a new season of The Rodfellows. The episode title is called "Baking Pretzels". Finto bakes pretzels for all the people. New character inserted: Punya, she wears a belt and a pink skirt. If you viewers and your kids are happy with the new season, say "Cheers!" with a contribution. Back to post
Comments Former user wrote on 6/15/2014, 11:38 AM Hi Daniel: Okay, little man, we have started. New character, "Punya" is on the scene. So, let's see what she can bring to the table. So far, looks like a very engaging season. Griff DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 6/15/2014, 12:53 PM Hi Griff: Yes we've started. Yes, Punya is on the scene. She is going to bring something likes soft pretzels or whatever. Have a good time. Daniel Lyons 1