Astral Pulses

Happy wrote on 8/12/2015, 1:18 PM

Been in the draft section for ages and all of the sudden a burst of time to immense into the track.


Space/dub/techno music    ( long intro ) 

  - On a side note I appoligize for the vast number of tracks I havent had the chance to listen through, have enough for an entire day this time ;P Know I've missed out on some awesome tunes.   - well off to the shuttle and off. Hope you will like the result.  Stay Happy



again Credit to freesound and looperman for external samples.

Here to listen be inspired and improve own skill in music making and mastering etc. 

Mostly make music with a movie ongoing so much of the tracks will be more soundtrack'ish than actual club/dance orientated. Sadly Iam yet to un-skilled in the process of making the actual moving pictures/movies. 

I really appreciate the nice feedback. Makes a happy Happy. 

Must admit that my deutsc/german is stinking and cant translate comments in that launguage very good. 

Please keep comments in english, unless its very very bad critism, then please use Deutsc ;P 


My movie projects are located on youtube as I cant get to upload here. 

Please veiw and comment. 


Former user wrote on 8/12/2015, 1:21 PM


Former user wrote on 8/12/2015, 2:18 PM

hallo, ich schließe mich dodger an.

Beamish-Spartano wrote on 8/13/2015, 10:02 AM

Eine Gute Elektronische Musik, Lg, von Joachim.

Last changed by Beamish-Spartano on 8/13/2015, 10:02 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

Piazzini wrote on 8/13/2015, 2:10 PM

Hoi Happy

Exciting intro .... interesting transition, which unfortunately would hardly come to an end.

The transition to the first part, I find somewhat elongated.

Exciting mix of different style.

Surprising and inspiring.

en liebe gruess vom


Former user wrote on 8/17/2015, 6:56 AM

I would say without doubt that it is much sought after music, sound effects and interesting.
overall I would say that the song is very beautiful and above all in line with my musical preferences.
The track is very interesting if you authorize me build that into the compilation MUSIC FESTIVAL SPACE that I'm organizing.
If you authorize me then I'll explain everything
I'll wait for an answer


Former user wrote on 8/19/2015, 6:33 PM

Fantastic music         5*

Best regards V.