Are You the One?

Rana wrote on 7/28/2011, 5:01 PM
Artists: Klaus Meine/RS Mahmood
Album: BioRhythm

Many say that a song is only done once.... yes  !!!

It's an honour for me to work with Klaus Meine's stunning vocals, RS also remains in the track but the context of sound texture, composition and instrumentation from Rudolf Schenker has changed to Rana Saud ....

100% Midi work.

Vocal / Lyrics - Klaus Meine.

Composition - Rana



All copyrights remain the property of the band - the track has only been done for pure musical reasons and is of no commercial value (for me).


Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 7/28/2011, 5:36 PM

If I allowed to paint asks like you at the voice of Klaus Meine `` Scorpions `` came.
Here, you are a question for me guilty.
The song is beautiful although me the Intro with the fade-in is not precipitated.
You bound the vocals very beautifully,.......

If this doesn't give copyright problems once!!!!

Good work..... starlets after a reason.


SpriteBat wrote on 7/28/2011, 8:10 PM

 Great work, both of you!

The vocals are truly impressive. They really take the lead and carry their own weight (as mine are always unable to do).

As for the music, it sets the perfect atmosphere. It sounds bitter-sweet, both happy and sad.


nihon94 wrote on 7/28/2011, 9:10 PM

Yes I am the one

Nice cover design and

very good music with great vocal.

This voice is very good.

100 stars



Former user wrote on 7/28/2011, 9:54 PM

Really beautiful song

excellent mix and voice ..... the sound is impactive ...well done I like it a lot !!!


from your friend

Antonio Fiorillo

Former user wrote on 7/29/2011, 12:23 AM

Hello Rana ,

Very relaxing and  very good a Scorpions  !!!    very melodie : bravo     5*******

Regards , Patrick

jorgejerzy wrote on 7/29/2011, 12:47 AM

Eine starke Stimme von Klaus Meine.

Eine gute Bearbeitung von Dir.

Gefällt mir




Spartano wrote on 7/29/2011, 1:15 AM

Wundervolle Musik, Klasse Gesang, 5* Sehr schön  auch die Flöten Einsatz,in der Musik 5* Fav.Herzlichen Gruß dein Freund Joachim!

Last changed by Spartano on 7/29/2011, 1:15 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


KBMproduction wrote on 7/29/2011, 1:32 AM

eine sehr gute arbeit mit schönen instrumenten einsatz und einer schönen kräftigen stimme




Last changed by KBMproduction on 7/29/2011, 1:32 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

bin 19 jahre jung und mache seit knapp 5 jahren musik.


bin seit 1 jahr glücklich mit meiner freundin zusammen und sind verlobt.

jos31620 wrote on 7/29/2011, 3:26 AM

bonjour rana

yes yes super chanson bravo grande classe

amical jos 5*fav

smartsmurf wrote on 7/29/2011, 3:32 AM

To answer your question... of course I am. 


Instrumentation seems to be fitting... voice and style of music is not really my favourite...

Former user wrote on 7/29/2011, 3:37 AM

Très beau morceau *****



redisland wrote on 7/29/2011, 4:07 AM

schöne musik und tolle stimme

sehr gute arbeit

gruss die redis

chryss wrote on 7/29/2011, 4:25 AM

très joli morceaux. très réussi, j'aime beaucoup.


Flansinnata wrote on 7/29/2011, 4:40 AM

Magnifico trabajo, buenisimo cantante, es un boom esta cancion, te lo aseguro

Jinty wrote on 7/29/2011, 4:42 AM


Super track!!!!!

All the best


B59fly wrote on 7/29/2011, 5:33 AM

Ein sehr schönes Stück, gefällt mir.

Grüessli Brigitte

maxcon62 wrote on 7/29/2011, 6:00 AM


Great performance !!

Five Stars+



Former user wrote on 7/29/2011, 6:46 AM

Bella la voce, ma tu sei un professionista di emozioni. Mi chiedo se in paradiso c'è posto per tanta melodia. Io purtroppo sono un tenero di cuore e questa musica e voce mi ha dato una bella scossa. fav. non ci sono stelle sufficenti. Ciao beautiful the voice, but you are a professional of emotions. I wonder me if in heaven you/he/she is set for so much melody there. Unfortunately I am a tender of heart and this music and voice you/he/she has given me a beautiful shake. fav. there are no stars sufficenti. Hi.

Huck wrote on 7/29/2011, 7:30 AM


Gut gemacht!!!

Klasse Stimme!!!!!

Gruß Huck!

StoneFace wrote on 7/29/2011, 10:53 AM

Hi Rana, very good work..... nothing more to say...

HPMusicProject wrote on 7/29/2011, 11:15 AM

Hallo , klasse Arbeit , gefällt mir gut

LG Heiko

dilampercutshow wrote on 7/29/2011, 11:55 AM

musique très agréable et très jolie voix, bravo*****

Former user wrote on 7/29/2011, 1:32 PM

Good evening my dear friend,
You've chosen a wonderful voice. great job singing un
best wishes to you and I wish you and your family a nice weekend.

mohnysh wrote on 7/29/2011, 1:48 PM

ranaa bhai salaam salute what a music and the voices sir nice sir my heart is like poem after hearing this ....and one more thing night before sleep this song is coming in my ears 5 star is not enough