Antareas part one

michael-t33 wrote on 5/25/2015, 12:41 PM
Title: Antareas prt 1.
Artists: Mike T
Album: Antareas

Hello all music fans, this is side one of my new concept album called Antares again influenced by artists

like Mike Oldfield, and Vangelis.

The track uses a mix of Synthesizers, and acoustic instruments such as, flute and acoustic guitar.

Part two is still in production, and as soon as it complete I will upload it.

Anyway hope you enjoy this first part, as much as I.


Mike T.           





Former user wrote on 5/26/2015, 12:28 PM

I would say good qulità the choice of synth, a musical mix of good quality
mè to the song liked


Former user wrote on 5/27/2015, 1:35 PM

Hi! michael-t33. Ungewöhnlich, dass ich oft mir solche Längen reinziehen tue ... wobei ich schon längere gehört hatte. Nur, dafür hätte ich mehr Abwechslung erhofft, als ermüdet zuzuhören. Ich tat es trotzdem. Zum Abspann. Oder entspannen. Wie man es nehmen möchte.

LG / aces-e37

AugeAugeAuge wrote on 5/27/2015, 3:11 PM

Very, very cool! It is a pity that only a few have rated Your Piece! But 18:38 is very long! I liked it very much! 5 points!

Jinty wrote on 5/29/2015, 3:39 PM

Hello Michael-t33,

Very nice mix, well done!!!!!!

Have a good one!
