All The Way

gospelbj1 wrote on 7/3/2015, 4:14 PM

Hello Family,

I'm Back!!!!  I've been gone for a short while, but now I'm back to my music!!!

"All The Way" is another of my archive songs that have been sitting around for years.  It is a mix of R&B and Jazz...which is like most of my previously uploaded pieces.  Just my style!

With this song, I wanted to relay a message:

Many of us are going through some things that are stressful, depressing, confusing, and sometimes seem downright hopeless.  Sometimes we get to the point where giving up seems to be the simplest thing to do, and most times, we give up not knowing that the finish line is right before us.  Other times, we see the finish line, but just feel that we don't have enough strength or stamina to make it.  As my dear mother used to say:  "You may be going through hell, but you're going THROUGH it.  Keep going THROUGH'll come out on the other side.  Don't stop and get stuck there."  I've remembered those words so many times in my life.

My message is:  "Keep on Keeping On!"  It's in those harsh times that you must dig deep inside of you and pull out that inner strength that has been there all along waiting for you to tap into it.  It's the finished race that is the most important and rewarding.  It's not the position you finish in, it's the integrity that you run the race with.  I hope this song and these words will help anyone here in the community who might be struggling or feeling a little overwhelmed right now.  I consider you family, and the pep talks are free!!! 




Former user wrote on 7/3/2015, 5:38 PM

Well Brenda.....You've done it again.  Your archives must be jam packed with goodies (like my freezer because I love to bake!)  But your archives are healthier than mine since music is good for the soul. Especially your type of music

Was your pep talk expressly for me?  (just kidding but it seemed appropriate for a pianist with 2 bum hands, among other things which I won't elaborate upon here).  Regardless, the pep talk is just plain good advice for anyone and everyone and I for one, appreciate hearing it.  

As for this's simply beautiful, smooth and jazzy, mellow and cool, groovy (oh my, I'm dating myself with that one) and sensual.  My favorite kind of music and of, course, into my FAV file!

You are one talented lady and I'm sure glad you're here!


PS  I beat Griff here (and everyone else for that matter) and I'm proud to be #1 to hear this

Former user wrote on 7/3/2015, 9:13 PM

Hi Brenda:

Hmmmnn...  What else can I add...  Trish basically said much of what I'm thinking.  Your unmistakable talent, mixed with your enthusiastic desire to showcase some of the most enjoyable music to be found anywhere, is more than evident.  Listening to your compositions, always brings a broad smile to my face and a great joy to my heart.  And ultimately, this is what music's goal should be all about.

You never fail to elicit positive thoughts from me --  especially after listening to one of your presentations.  Also, your uplifting words just adds to the glow...

I'll leave it right there (for now).


Gryami wrote on 7/4/2015, 1:57 AM

Hi Brenda,

There isn't much more to say that hasn't already been said.  A very nice jazz piece, with a steady beat.  It gets the fingers clicking.  I love to listen to your music.



Nickillus wrote on 7/4/2015, 11:22 AM

Oh how we've missed your mellow vibes, Brenda.  Smooooothly jazztastic.  Great to see, or rather hear this latest addition.  You make the keys sing under your deft touch, in heart melting fashion.

-Celina-Neatly- wrote on 7/4/2015, 12:39 PM

This music is really nice. Like all tunes of your jazz muic.

All the best. Well done.

Regards... ; great job. Congratulations!

MuggeMaker wrote on 7/4/2015, 1:33 PM

Wonderful music .. 

The piano is really nice.

Great piece, Brenda!!

Former user wrote on 7/5/2015, 12:02 PM

Hello Brenda

Beautiful music and relaxing !


Best regards D.

gerrycix wrote on 7/5/2015, 4:31 PM

Hello Brenda
I admire your words of wisdom .... as your great song,
With great respect,

TommyG wrote on 7/6/2015, 12:53 PM

Great piano improvisation again. That´s your special style and I think I could meanwhile guess, that you performed it - under thousand of songs.

It was a great pleasure.

Former user wrote on 7/7/2015, 2:51 AM

As always there are songs with high emotional content and music.

performance instrumental say sublime.

music listening, refined and in this case also very relaxing

Once again I congratulate you for giving us a moment of music so wonderful


olivier28 wrote on 7/7/2015, 3:07 PM

Tout simplement génial ... j'adore .... ouah quel bonheur pour mes oreilles ...


Et plus



nounouche wrote on 7/7/2015, 3:29 PM

Agréable musique que je nommerais "fraîcheur d'un soir d'été" 5*****




stuallan wrote on 7/8/2015, 11:44 AM

Hi Brenda,

Smooth, scintillating, sexy! Another great piece from the hands and mind of Brenda. I absolutely love the easy flow of this composition. It instills a sense of hope and potential in the listener, a great match to your wonderful words of encouragement!

If I were wearing one, my hat would be off to you. It popped right into my Fav's.


Best Regards and thanks for sharing this magnificent piece.


tgfmusica wrote on 7/13/2015, 9:13 AM

Secondo il mio giudizio qui c'è tanta classe, complimenti, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

emacor wrote on 7/22/2015, 6:56 PM

Hi Brenda:

What a wonderfull piece of music... a great smooth jazz theme, i love it.

Love your thoughts too... and i completelly agree ... "It's not the position you finish in, It's the integrity that you run the race with" - Love it

All the best my friend


Edi-no1 wrote on 7/27/2015, 10:12 AM

Hi Brenda,

It's your style, indeed and I like it so much. Well done as always.

Take care,


Father_of_Joy wrote on 8/6/2015, 8:55 AM

I'm also back. I have withdrawn myself and was quiet a while. And now I listen to your nice track as first. 

I really like this mix and your style! Keep on!

WtraatW wrote on 9/4/2015, 3:47 AM


Excellente musique dansante        Des heures d'écoutes et il y a beaucoup de monde dans ce site !


NorbertSN wrote on 9/16/2015, 10:56 AM

Many thanks for this wonderful piece of music.

I much enjoyed listening to your song and I also fully agree with the message you are sending with it.

Thanks for sharing.

Former user wrote on 9/17/2015, 2:46 PM

Hi! gospelbj1. Bin hier wohl ein Weilchen nicht hier gewesen. Aber danke für Deinen Link. Ein Grund mehr, dass ich mal kurz wieder reinlauschen werde. Es ist ja nicht so, dass ich Dich vergessen hatte. Nein, es waren persönliche Angelegenheiten. Dein Mut und Deine Freude am Musikmachen finde ich weiter klasse.



.¸.•*(¸.•*´♥`*•.¸)`*•., LG

P.S.: Mir gefiel die kleine Gitarrenspiel im Hintergrund. War am Schluss am Besten zu hören. Schön!

Former user wrote on 10/12/2015, 2:52 PM

Very good soundtrack and professional piano. You are really very good.

TetleyAnderton wrote on 11/1/2015, 3:49 PM

I am so happy I went backward in my mail to find this wonderful song.