
DEPO57 wrote on 3/11/2014, 5:44 PM

please, take me popcorn....whats happen? war! bang! wow!  i like peace and love, but this is only a film....isn't?

good work


Former user wrote on 3/11/2014, 6:24 PM

Hi Trish:

You're hired!  I want you to score my next action/war flick.  Very interesting piece, with lots of cinematic flair.  Those gunshots and other battlefield effects really fires up (pun intended) the imagination.  Who knew that your compositional talents tilted along these lines?  The genteel pianist and church organist toting an AK-47 as she marches stoically off to battle.  <LOL>  Just kidding Trish... 

You've captured the mental visual very well through your use of sounds and overall mood.

As they say, "go on with your bad self".


tgfmusica wrote on 3/11/2014, 6:25 PM

Ottima rappresentazione di una missione co elicottero, e si ha anche la percezione della drammaticità della battaglia, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Former user wrote on 3/11/2014, 11:48 PM

Hi Trish!

WAR! No, i like peace but when you have good sounds, you can try it! This here have "good ideas"! I can not only identify with the music! Sorry Trish! For me is better, you make music to a film with Love and Peace, but this is my own problem! :-) Please, do not be angry with me, ok?! :-) Sorry!!!



best wishes and regards


Former user wrote on 3/12/2014, 2:12 AM

Hi Trish!

Klingt irgendwie etwas traurig, ich müßte erstmal Deinen kommentar dazu übersetzten, ob es deshalb so klingt.

Für einen Film wäre es sehr geeignet!

Ist mal eine andere Musik von Dir. Interessiert mich immer,was Du Neues hast!


Viele liebe Grüße Chris

Former user wrote on 3/12/2014, 2:42 AM

Hallo Lady Trish, Schöne Soundtrack Musik 

Lg, von the Three Elements.

Former user wrote on 3/12/2014, 4:16 AM

Hi Trish,

thanks for the link...

mmmh, for a real soundtrack , the spound is a little bit THIN- as well as the keyboard sounds as the stereo mix.

If You ask me....

But a nice idea, allthoug not a nice background.....Make love, not war...american brothers and sisters



Leomax wrote on 3/12/2014, 4:32 AM

nice soundtrack

i like it


gerrycix wrote on 3/12/2014, 8:28 AM

Very good idea ...Trish !

Interessant track ...

Ciao David

stuallan wrote on 3/12/2014, 11:39 AM

Hi Trish,

I know what you mean about trying out some sounds and seeing where it takes you. You certainlyy went somewhere different with this. I thought it was very well put together, the right amount of tension and flow that would accompany an action film perfectly.

Well done.




Funnywico wrote on 3/18/2014, 2:25 PM

Sorry. Good Idea, good composition, interesting experiment, but really not your style. I think I don`t like it.



GEKA-MUSIC wrote on 4/11/2014, 12:34 PM

An interesting compilation.
For that the film's missing.