Classic cinematic-themed music: orchestral instruments and bass drums rounds the piece off very nicely. If you close your eyes, you can just see the little girl walking amongst the arid, rocky and heat-filled environments which are characteristic of many places in Afghanistan.
hey roar, it is a very interesting song you've built .. I like the structure and the way of thy song. Technically very well mixed .. I think that's exactly need this music to your topic. It shows me all the problems and drama of an Afghan woman ... Prima - love is ... Fav. greetings Andi
Former user
wrote on 5/4/2013, 10:04 AM
Another cool cover pic with those penetrating eyes to accompany your equally cool song. If your song was a novel, I would read it at one sitting and share it with my friends.
but with this music I can think of Napoleon story more than a woman story.
sounds too coarse for a wives tale.
Former user
wrote on 5/4/2013, 12:25 PM
the cover is really nice and you indroduce to a song, with clear fusion of ethnic music.
the whole composition I like the song, flowing light and pleasant to listen to
Former user
wrote on 5/4/2013, 1:06 PM
Ich finde die uralte zivilgesellschaftliche Ordnung dort eine Katastrophe: Das ist kein menschliches Verhalten unter den Geschlechtern. Unterdrückung ist das aller Letzte -da würden mir auch alle recht geben -auch du hast es GROSSARTIG erkannt -schlimm genung das Ganze -, !!
P.S.: Das hat nichts mit meinem Ansehen meines Bildes zu tun -da es vom Thema sonst abweichen würde / beruht mein Kommentar jedoch auf Ernsthaftigkeit
Former user
wrote on 5/4/2013, 1:13 PM
es lohnt sich reinzuhören , .. PRIMA - Soundtrack !
Gruß Andreas ( Oktave )
Former user
wrote on 5/4/2013, 1:49 PM
very good etnic sound, great tracck, exellent sound
Thus one can, as in this case, simply tell the music for themselves. You can convey so much with music, without saying a single word. This is exactly you succeeded with this song. Forcefully, thoughtful and well!