A Soothing Time

Edi-no1 wrote on 5/29/2015, 11:27 AM

Hello everyone,

this is one of my initial tracks which I've done by using Music Maker.

I used soundpools and I added some FX.

Hmmm.. a  soothing time, e.g at the seaside  for me- not yet. At present I have a lot of work, but my vacation I hope in August.

I'm not sure what category to put this in. Funk?! I think so.





nafets. wrote on 5/29/2015, 12:10 PM

eigentlich ist es ja doch umgekehrt....sonst wechseln die meisten von soundpool-samples zu midi.

sei es drum,Du versuchst Dich auf vielen ebenen,das ist auch gut so !

sehr funky,abwechslungsreich,bei 2:10 ca ist ein knackser zu hören,nicht immer leicht solche zu beseitigen.

ansonsten find ich Dein Soundpoolsong nicht schlecht.

der sound ist auch ausgewogen.

den endmaker,bzw den oberen gelben balken am ende um einen oder zwei takte hinaus ziehen.

nach meiner ehrlichen meinung gefragt,fehlt mir hier persönlich eine gewisse geschichte,die mir hier erzählt werden soll.mit anderen worten eine hauptmelodie die den song quasi erzählt.

ehrliche kritik und ich hoffe werde jetzt nicht einen kopf kürzer gemacht !?! 

ein gut wäre hier angebracht,also 3 punkte,ich denke aber auch,dass das Dein erster sample-song ist.


wir hören Edyta


ScreechOwl wrote on 5/29/2015, 12:25 PM

Really good for the first piece. Beautiful drums, except at the beginning, because they are too fast or do not fit. Keep it up!

PS: Translate with BING, sorry

Former user wrote on 5/29/2015, 1:23 PM

Hallo!!! Gut gemacht. Nur das abmischen der Lautstärke, darauf solltest du ein wenig achten. Mein Tip... Gute Kopfhörer. Und den Master nicht so hoch legen. Manchmal ist weniger mehr. Und das mit dem knacksen, die Fehler haben wir alle mal gemacht.


Lieben Gruß


Onkel Sascha

ballabarr wrote on 5/29/2015, 4:32 PM

bardzo, bardzo dobrze wykonane piosenka,bardzo dobra bębny

Well done Edi.nadzieję, że wszystko jest dobrze z tobą

Miłego sobota

Ocena nad piosenką staje się Hmmmm - wiele gwiazd *****************************************************'etc etc


Last changed by ballabarr on 5/29/2015, 4:32 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Im from sweden 55 year's young play 4 instruments,(Drums is my main instr) guitarr,keybords,and some bassand im learning to play faceorgan (Harmonica) I make my musc self.I love icehockey and soocer,bean to cooking school,bean a sailor for 10 years,but not anymore hade my last ship 1993 and i miss that job  (cargoship) see the world and get pay'd for it,that's nice

(Pleace wright in english if u can no requirement just a wishes)

Former user wrote on 5/29/2015, 6:07 PM

Witam Edyta:

Umieściłeś ten próbki bardzo dobrze w układzie. Kiedy używasz próbki (soundpools) z Magix lub podobne pętle, szeregując je prawidłowo jest niezwykle ważne. Plus, mam również skutecznie używanych efektów w zabawny sposób; to naprawdę daje muzyka miło czuć i dźwięk.

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc to jest wspaniałą melodię poświęcić kilka minut.


gospelbj1 wrote on 5/29/2015, 11:23 PM

Hi Edi,

Not bad...not bad.  You've done a great job with the soundpool.  You pieced everything together pretty well.  At 1:28, your drums came in on the 3rd beat instead of the 1st which caught my attention, but everything came back into beat at 2:12.  That was the only thing that stuck out, but everything else was great.  You picked great instrument samples for this piece and it turned out well.


rollii1953 wrote on 5/30/2015, 12:37 AM

Hiii Edyta!!!!!!!!!!!! Also ich sag mal so ..das ist nicht ganz meine Richtung  aber es ist sehr schön anzuhören .... also weiter so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Former user wrote on 5/30/2015, 4:52 AM

although it is a kind of music that I do not know much I have to say that the track is very catchy and overall I also seems well built.
I must say that the arrangement is well done and the music is pleasant to listen
go to great


Father_of_Joy wrote on 5/30/2015, 6:35 AM

Not bad ... a pretty nice sample mix ... electro pop with a funky groove! 

Everything else has already been mentioned ... below.

Piazzini wrote on 5/30/2015, 3:22 PM

Too many good ideas have you tried a song together to build.
Although the instrumental sounds very clean and has been thrilling arranged, I find that the song too little structure.

interesting ideas, unfortunately, too little structure.

en liebe gruess vom


LORDPEER wrote on 5/31/2015, 3:47 AM

Hello Edyta Lady 

Here I hear clear out at the beginning of drums and Instromente from the Hip Hop section a bit gemüst in wecksel Electric Pop Break Dance music old school old school hip hop beat, Well done young lady Edyta  I have a few albums records around to lie because is exactly the good old Old School Beat it, because your beat would definitely fit in.! Very nicely done by forn to the last note, I was ordered classe smooth the beat listen to 12 times made ​​young pretty lady Edyta 

Sanne Beat, Sanne many stars 6+ beautifully

Dee. Jee. Peer Salute + Saludos young fresh Lady Edyta  Have a wonderful beautiful Sunday Lady

Former user wrote on 5/31/2015, 6:35 AM

Hi Edyta,
This remarkable piece, a very funky elegant, sounds' very refined and relaxing.
Even mixing it seems excellent.
Very well Edyta,congratulations.


Former user wrote on 5/31/2015, 7:35 AM

Hi Edyta

I really, really like this.  It does not sound "loopy" (made with loops). With my headphones, I could hear the music going backand forth  between my ears.  Excellent panning and sound.  I need to take some of my old songs that I wrote before I knew what FX, mixing, panning  was and add some FX.  It really makes a huge difference


MuggeMaker wrote on 5/31/2015, 8:27 AM

Soothing like a smoothie. 

Love the synth at 2:20.

Great work Edyta! 

Nickillus wrote on 5/31/2015, 11:01 AM

I don't care what you call it, I really like it too.  As soon as that bass line starts off, I'm sold.  Then the rhythms really get going and I want to buy two.  Great sounds, Edi.

stuallan wrote on 6/3/2015, 11:32 AM

Hi Edyta,

Loved the funky vibe you have created. You certainly dug around in the Magix Soundpool, box to find all these samples and loops.; very well put together. i particulalry loved the bass line and drums. Excellent compostition to keepy feet tapping and my head bopping.


Super job!!

Best Regards,


PS Loved the cover!

TetleyAnderton wrote on 6/4/2015, 12:50 PM

Nicely put together, Edi.   

D.J.M. wrote on 6/7/2015, 5:02 AM


diegoweb13 wrote on 7/2/2015, 1:50 PM

Beautiful piece.
Brava Edyta.

Hello Diego

Last changed by diegoweb13 on 7/2/2015, 1:50 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

                                     Se la risposta e' stata utile, cliccare su Grazie qui sotto.

Spartano wrote on 7/14/2015, 7:23 AM

Eine sehr schöne relaxe Musik mit sehr schöne Instrumenten Auswahl,

lg, von Spartano!

Last changed by Spartano on 7/14/2015, 7:23 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


GBTraveller wrote on 7/15/2015, 5:36 AM

Hello Edyta,
Here are old sampels (Muma in 2004?) beautifully finished.
Sounds all very clean and pleasing arranged.
Not as nice is your sudden entry at 0:10 seconds in the main theme.
This transition I would make much longer.
Overall my central theme is missing from the song. The individual phases of very good work with each other a little foreign.

Your rhythmic and sound technical sense is very very good.

As you can clearly make more out of it.

Gruss Freddy

info4u2 wrote on 11/8/2015, 4:52 PM

Composition great, you have obvious ear for a tune and melody and express your talent perfectly. 5*
