500 BC NoMagic wrote on 12/21/2013, 7:43 PM 4 184 Tags: sorry guys, it's Christmas time and nobody like to be depressed,but I can't help myself not to load this song. Back to post
Comments danne wrote on 12/22/2013, 3:35 AM Ich denke, dass es auch zu Weihnachten gehört, an die Menschen zu denken, in deren Heimat es nicht so gut geht. Klasse Sound, Klasse Soundtrack. Ich wünsche Dir ein frohes Fest. Daniel lepetitfranc wrote on 12/22/2013, 5:49 AM beau morceau de musique........comme j aime......5+++++++ NancyHollo wrote on 12/22/2013, 12:40 PM Thanks for sharing this, I love tragic music. This is beautiful. NancyHollo wrote on 12/22/2013, 12:41 PM I forgot to click 5*. Anandator wrote on 12/22/2013, 12:43 PM Leise, nachdenklich und sehr kraftvoll! Absolut gelungen! Anandator wrote on 12/22/2013, 12:43 PM .... 5 Points..... Former user wrote on 12/24/2013, 1:50 PM very interesting effects, a track that no doubt would be suitable to be associated with a film. overall I would say very well franco 1