理解する ( to understand)

Former user wrote on 10/22/2014, 3:22 PM

I got the idea for this song from a Japanese Anime movie titled "Sky Crawlers" .  The music was written by Kenji Kawai. There are vocals in his music which I could not get anywhere close to duplicating so there are no vocals in my piece.  Kawai's influence in my composition is strictly the style and ethnicity of his music.

This type of music is a first for me and I found the music of Kenji Kawai well worth listening to. I was introduced to this Japanese Anime by Smartsmurf awhile ago and decided to attempt a composition of my own, using the sounds from my keyboard.

Thank you for taking the time to listen



Cruiseflash wrote on 10/22/2014, 4:27 PM

Hi Trish, very nice unreacted Japanese theme. The individual parts determined very nice, not metered to fully played but beautiful. Great work again from you. greetings Ralf

Jinty wrote on 10/22/2014, 4:58 PM


Lovely track!!!!!!

All the best,


Former user wrote on 10/23/2014, 3:25 AM


Former user wrote on 10/23/2014, 3:35 AM

I know the musician kawai, is a composer of film music and his style was often compared to the new new age music.
I know several songs and then I recognize this in your composition to the guidelines of the composer, but your personal way of interpreting the music makes this song very own.
everything seems very professional and the set contains instrumental fusion of world music, or if you prefer ethnic, but never exaggerated, always very stylish.
it is clear that a ccome tea that musical knowledge bases or if you prefer very high, can compose or arrange anything and always with excellent results


Nickillus wrote on 10/23/2014, 6:49 AM

An interesting deviation Trish, but displaying your well developed musical chops as always.  Seems pitch perfect for the style and cultural reference you cite.  Not that I'm any sort of expert on such things.

DEPO57 wrote on 10/23/2014, 9:07 AM

non conosco l'artista di cui parli. in ogni caso riconosco il tuo stile. questo è secondo me importante anche quando si esegue la musica scritta da altri. Mettere la propria anima e le proprie sensazioni fa molto piacere  a chi ascolta.

Il brano è eeguito solo con le tue tastiere e non è per niente facile, perciò ti dico che sei bravissima( ma questo già lo sai)

La musica richiama l'atmosfera di vaste praterie e di un solitario Sioux, appoggiato alla sua lancia , con lo sguardo che si perde nell'orizzonte. Va be', ma queste sono fantasie da piccolo cowboy.

affascinante questo tuo  percorrere strade nuove e confrontarti con stli differenti. A me pare che queto tipo di musica ti  si adatti come un vestito su misura.

Continua a stupirci ancora!!!

Un abbraccio


Former user wrote on 10/23/2014, 10:17 AM

Hallo Trish,




Former user wrote on 10/23/2014, 12:56 PM

Hi! Und ich dachte, ich wäre im falschen Film gewesen. Das aber warst wirklich Du? Gut gemacht.

LG / aces-e37

Piazzini wrote on 10/23/2014, 1:32 PM

Hoi Trish

You present us each time a work of art. This time you've decided on a slightly "oriental" atmosphere.

The melody carries me away in the area of ​​"Cherry Blossoms".

en liebe gruess vom


AugeAugeAuge wrote on 10/23/2014, 2:11 PM

Sehr interessantes Werk, sehr gefühlvoll! Wirklich sehr gelungen!

peterjirka40 wrote on 10/23/2014, 2:33 PM


Excellent work .

Very nice track and very good sound .

I like it .

Former user wrote on 10/23/2014, 2:56 PM

Hi Trish!

Ist ja mal was ganz anderes von Dir!!!

Klingt gut und bist Du ein Fan von Animes?

Sehr cool diese Klänge, gefällt mir sehr!!!

Ein Video würde auch sehr gut passen!!!

Viele liebe Grüße Chris

Leomax wrote on 10/23/2014, 5:36 PM

very nice soundtrack

i like it

lg leomax

Former user wrote on 10/23/2014, 10:02 PM

Hi Trish!

I write in german! :-)) Ich liebe diese Musik sehr aus Japan. Habe viele Dokumentationen und Filme aus diesem Land geschaut und war immer begeistert mit welcher Hingabe, diese Filme aber auch die Musik gemacht wurde und wird. Du hast diese Stimmung wieder einmal sehr gut eingefangen und ich glaube, irgendwie, kannst Du nie schlechte Musik machen denn Du hast auch dieses Gespür dafür, was man gerne hört. Es ist schön zu wissen, das Du hier bist und uns jedes mal mit ganz feiner Musik verwöhnst. Vielen Dank, für einen erneuten Hörgenuss und höre bloss nie auch, Musik zu machen. :-))

A wonderful weekend for you and your family

best wishes Bernd

Former user wrote on 10/24/2014, 5:35 AM

Hi Trish:

Sorry it took me so long to add my impressions on this cinematic-sounding piece...

I must say that the sounds emanating from your keyboard are quite good.  I was not familiar with this particular Japanese (Anime) movie.  So, since listening to this, I looked it up, and checked out the sound tracks.  The music is sweeping and engaging.  For me, it's all about creating an "atmosphere" and visual moods inside my head; closing my eyes, and just listening, one can get caught up in some wonderful landscapes.

Very nice, mood-setting presentation, Trish.  For a first timer (at this genre) you've comported yourself quite nicely.

Take care, my good friend.



MuggeMaker wrote on 10/24/2014, 10:05 AM

Hi Trish!

Very, very nice! Like it a lot.

For me, this is one of your best tracks here.


Best regards


Bulldoggy wrote on 10/24/2014, 6:32 PM


smartsmurf wrote on 10/25/2014, 12:25 PM

You know what I think about this wonderful soundtrack of yours... (so don't you ever doubt again).

Nothing to critizise...




dogmas wrote on 10/27/2014, 9:32 AM

EXCELLENT no more words needed

emacor wrote on 10/30/2014, 1:04 PM

Hi Trish:

I could never guess that this was your first time in this genre.... if i didn't knew you better i could honestely say that you were a Japanese!!!! 

Seriously, you have created a very interesting atmosphere, very cinematographic, and very rich.

As usual a great work from you

All the best to you, Trish


gerrycix wrote on 10/31/2014, 2:48 PM

Excellent track ...Trish!

Fantastic sound ,

Ciao David

stuallan wrote on 11/6/2014, 11:27 AM

Hi Trish,

Beautiful subtle oriental overtones! Lucious  sweeping melody.

Well done grasshopper!

Loved it!

Best Regards,


Former user wrote on 12/1/2014, 9:24 AM

Hola,Smartmurf mando invitacion,

Es autentica melodia japonesa,muy buena musica a mis oidos,gran mesura y disciplina,felicidades,me gusto mucho de escuchar esta agrdale musica.Un saludo.

Frantzi wrote on 12/1/2014, 3:35 PM

Excellent and nothing more to say....
Franz (back again for a while....)