Why Unable to save finished videos to harddrive or dvd?

dannysparks wrote on 1/5/2011, 4:52 AM

when trying to save finished video to hard drive OR dvd receive the following error message:

"The export was not successful. Please try again later(later?? unreal) or with other settings and check to make sure enough disk space is available." Why 'try later'? Don't get that one. n"Other" settings? There are only 2: quality and format.  No matter the combo, results are the same. U nable to SAVE to hard drive OR DVD.

Without a solution, this renders this software righht next to 'useless'.


polcat213 wrote on 1/24/2011, 7:40 AM

I have the same problem.  After an HOUR of burning an 18min film, I get an ERROR in the final writing stages?  My computer blacks out and seems to go dark - wireless shuts off... then discs pops out with ERROR message.