why not an Acid studio 10 x64b ?

Arnaud-Ragon wrote on 11/26/2018, 8:09 PM

It's a real pity there is no acid studio 64b planned.

A few arguments :

1/ using VSTi and Fx in acid studio 32b needs the installation of 32b versions of each plugins, that is a huge waste of space on hard drive when almost all softwares have turned to 64b, and (I guess) ACstudio10 users are not extensive racing computers owners .

2/ I'm not sure future updates of windows 10 will allow to launch and use this soft. Could possibly solve present regular crash too.

3/ For what i'm using Acid, pro version is too much and i don't have the 99$ (or euros, whatever) to upgrade.

4/ Acid is the most powerfull, efficient and brilliant stretching tool i got to know. Is a light version of pro8 (as a possibly low cost update for studio10 users) really an economical absurdity ? Not sure at all, might be instead a huge success story like the first acid in 1990's without the pain of massive hacking that killed the soft. But i'm not a market researcher.

Maybe asking your customers would convince you there is gold in such a soft. On my side, I got ACstudio10 at a promotional cost of 35 E instead of 50 in september 2017 and I would for sure put 20E on the table for it.


all the best



sheppo wrote on 11/28/2018, 12:26 PM

the product comparison page for AMS states that the latest version supports 64bit. I suspect this is not the case, i bought this ages ago and have stopped using it since AP8 came out, but a fresh installer doesn't mentioned architecture.. I'll see if i can find out more information for you.