why does this happen..with the audio cleaning lab

coonsanders wrote on 3/10/2014, 8:30 PM


when i use the cleaning agent to clean up a 78 the first 3 minates of the song is still pretty noisey..then as the vocalist starts the cleaning that i used the cleaning agent kicks in and the noise is very mush less..but before that  the noise is still present and after the vocalist its fairly clean.i hope you guys get what i mean..whys this happening?




gandjcarr wrote on 3/10/2014, 8:41 PM


The cleaning that you are doing may only apply to the vocal frequencies.  With a 78 RPM vinyl record, you may well be getting other frequencies such as hum or hiss that also need to be applied to the musical frequencies.  You need to figure out what you want and need to get rid of before you will have a recording that will sound better.  With 78 RPM vinyl, you have a multitude of sound that you need to clean before the music and the vocal will soung better (remember, if the vinyl is dirty or poorly recorded, you will have to use a lot or trial and error to clean it up).  Spectral cleaning may be the answer but since I cannot hear the artifacts that you do, it is hard to say what you need to work on.


coonsanders wrote on 3/10/2014, 8:47 PM

Do you want me to send you a copy via email so you can better judge it?


gandjcarr wrote on 3/11/2014, 1:13 PM


Yes, very much so, I will send you a private message with my email address.
