Why do Cassette tapes record like they are underwater ?

kevinhicks wrote on 9/7/2009, 11:29 AM
I'm recording from a kareoke 'boom box' cassette deck to the mic input on a Dell Latitude D830 Laptop with Windows XP using Magix Audio Cleaning lab 14. 

The patch cord has left and right audio leads coming from the boom box  stepped down to a mic jac on the PC. 

I select the record option for tapes in Magix....set the input volume on automatic...it records and when I play it back it sounds like it is underwater... the music 'wallows' and the voice volume varies up and down. 

I ran the cleaning process using auto clean up, then set by step including declipper, but it didn't make enough of a change.

I see postings where others are successfull in recording tapes...can someone help?


NoTurning wrote on 9/7/2009, 2:01 PM
The problem is most likely your mic input - do not use it!!! You need the line-in and you should be fine. The mic in is designed just for non industry standard PC mics and works very poorly for anything else. Couple that with Magix' poor handling of audio standards and you have a problem on your hands. Simply use the line-in and it should work great.
carpter1958 wrote on 12/22/2009, 10:56 PM
If I'm correct you say you are recording to a cassete tape right? If so then the quality of anything you record to a cassete,or listen to, can be directly addressed to 2 things the cassete recorder machine or the microphone. First and foremost clean the heads of the recorder. If these are dirty or worn  you should get from Radio Shack something called  Precision electronic spray cleaner . It won't harm any electronic part that is inside, Spray some on a lint free clothy and quickly scrub the record/playback heads. If you need more presice directions feel free to contact me and I canwalk you through it.
 Then as far as the microphone is concerned remove any foam or furry covering that usually. Then try recording a sample that shows me what it actually sounds like using windows sound recorder and play it back to yourself. If it sounds better or normal it isnt your microphone most likely a software problem or disagreement between programs.
 Sorry I have to go before finishing but I am disabled and I need to get to the ER take care and E-mail me at any time.  Just be sure
to put in the subject bar this  I need help with recordings)

Gnite Scott