Why bad quality on photos when used i Magix Movie Edit Pro 15 plu

videokurtan wrote on 11/14/2009, 10:13 AM
When I produce a movie with Movie edit pro 15 plus consisting of Videoclips and photos , the video looks OK when I play it but the insertrd photos have bad quality. I have a Canon camera 12 M Pixel. The pictures looks very good when I look at them with for exempel Microsofts Office Picture Manager.

But when I replay the movie in edit pro 15 they looks unsharp.

Why is that?

Kurt Backman


AndyCope wrote on 11/16/2009, 10:04 PM
Depinding on where you get your pictures from, this effects quality.
also the preview screen may be set to low in grafics/pixals.
If you beleive this is the problem, or if you could clarify a little more
I would be happy to help!
BroBryce2009 wrote on 11/19/2009, 6:26 AM
You can change your preview resolution by going to your Program Settings screen (Press "Y").  Click on the Video/Audio tab, and under the "Movie Display" on the left side, you can select Low, Quarter, Half, and Full resolutions.  I usually keep mine at Full, but depending on your system's CPU and RAM, this might really slow things down.  Check it out and see if it helps.
