Why are there bad quality exports in Movie Edit Pro 14 (Trial version)?

AzureChronos wrote on 4/28/2008, 10:05 PM
My source material are all .MOV format, and the audio track is MP3. On one occasion of exporting the movie, the sound was off (skipped in places, e.t.c.). I have tried all formats to export; all of them look TERRIBLE. Is it possible that exporting in MPG-4 format would ensure decent quality? I'm asking because apparently the trial version does not have the codec for MPG-4 available to purchase/download. Just in case this might make a difference, this is a before/after comparison: http://www.imagehut.ws/fx_images/chronos_FFXIII comparison I.jpg http://www.imagehut.ws/fx_images/chronos_FFXIII comparison II.jpg (the first image is the in-program quality; the second image is the .MOV export) Also if someone could help simply explaining the export options a bit...I'd appreciate it. I admit I'm rather overwhelmed by the options & settings on the export window; this is really my first time experimenting with a professional movie edit program. I might be doing something wrong on the export settings...(I went with all default). Please help me out here.


brimest0ne wrote on 5/11/2008, 1:13 PM
I have the same problem with the trial version, but I feel the problem will still remain with the full version too. I played my DVD movie on my computer and there wasn't any problem with movie when played there. I had this problem with WinDVD Maker a few years ago and fixed the problem by adjusting the sound bit rate on my DVD player. Most simple DVD players will play the movie without any problems. I have, of course, have my DVD player set at the highest setting for my DVD movie enjoyment. I'm not sure how make MEP14 export in a different format, I will e-mail tech support for information. Hope this helps