while editing temp file not allowed to be created

VD-Singh wrote on 9/12/2021, 2:21 AM

I recently  changed HDD to SDD on my laptop on which the licecnced sound forge was installed.
After cloning on SDD , the software has started showing error messages during editing saying that a temp file can not be created and the access to the directory under sounde forge for the purpose is DENIED

please help me restorte.
I purchased SF12     in 2017 online from MAGIX.

sincerely yours 
Col VD Singh
Army Veteran


SP. wrote on 9/12/2021, 11:33 AM

@VD-Singh Hello! Maybe this is caused by cloning the hard drive because your new drive has a different hardware ID but I don't know if this is relevant for Sound Forge.

It could also be caused by a Windows setting. For example, you can disable the controlled folder access and try it again.


rraud wrote on 9/12/2021, 11:51 AM

Reassign a desired folder's location path in "Options> Preferences> General> Temporary files and record folder".
The above setting is for Sound Forge Pro. SF Audio Studio settings may differ. Always specify what SF version you use... 'Read the 'Sticky' at the head for the main Sound Forge forum page.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge community @VD-Singh.