Where do I purchase the MPEG-4 upgrade on Movie Edit Pro 14?

AzureChronos wrote on 4/23/2008, 9:41 PM
I have looked everywhere both on the program itself and on the site, and I cannot find where to purchase the codecs for MPEG-4. I really need this format, because I have tried every other format to export my movie, and the quality on all of them is TERRIBLE.

The help section on Movie Edit Pro 14 gives all the details on activating the codec via the internet; it even says there's a button called 'Order online' on the toolbar which I do not see...I'm using the trial version, btw, so is it even possible to activate MPEG-4 with the trial version?


ralftaro wrote on 4/24/2008, 12:13 AM
The option for MPEG-4 activation would be under the "Help" menu in the "Activate additional functions" sub menu. The dialog that comes up has the "order online" button you mentioned. However, in the trial version, the activation of a paid codec is obviously not possible. Also, if you're suffering serious quality problems, I somehow have a feeling that the problem is a little more complex and the activation of a highly-compressed video codec won't be the simple answer you're looking for. It might really be interesting to have more information about your project, e.g. what source material you're working with (form/codec, origin, resolution), what you're doing to it and how you're exporting it. In fact, it might be interesting to see a "before/after" comparison, as quality problems are always somewhat subjective.