I'm about to give up on Movie Studio. Every time I go to do something it fails.
First it took me 30 minutes to figure out the Text editor to change the color of my text and I still don't know how to work that with any certainty, what is the circle and triangle with the separate dot things? Why can't it be simple?
Now I went to record some voice over and kept the last take, but when I played it back it had a couple of things wrong so I wanted to re-do it, but it is nowhere to be found. I am working in storybook mode, because that is easiest for me. But there is no audio track under the video like there was in Video Easy. I tried clicking all kinds of things to make it appear, but no luck. I switched to timeline mode thinking that would do it, but no and what a mess that mode is! I will never use it.
The book shows where the audio track is below the video, but it must be a different version of Movie Studio than what I have (I have the newest 2025 Platinum). The book doesn't go over steps and details very well.
I had to scrap the entire thing instead of just re-doing the audio.
Maybe the audio track only shows if one is adding music (not going to happen as far as I know) and not for voice over.
If there is a secret to this please let me know.
Also does anyone know of college courses or something in how to use Movie Studio or something I can take for one to two semesters to learn how to do this, just the basics? I can't learn it by watching YouTube, I do not have a photographic memory. The program certainly is not intuitive at all, by any stretch.
I'm getting of the opinion, that I should not be attempting YouTube. It is super hard. It looked fairly easy on paper keeping it real simple, but there may be no such thing as simple when it comes to that.