
Former user wrote on 12/9/2011, 10:12 AM

Yes. You have to change the title of your website. Open Website Maker, click on "more" to open the drop down menu and choose the website options. Here you can change the title, description and keywords for your website (important for Search Engines). Please read the helpful tooltips (blue info icons) to learn more about this meta information.

douggiefresh wrote on 12/15/2011, 10:32 PM

The site shows my web address...  However, above that it shows the words... "My Website!" Thats what I would like to omit or change. I followed your instructions and changed the words My Website, and republished. Still the words 'My Website are still there!

Former user wrote on 12/16/2011, 6:59 AM already shows the Title Picture It Plus Slideshow Creation. I think it was a temporary Cache issue. Now everything should be fine. Right?