
cpc000cpc wrote on 2/15/2013, 12:43 AM


Assuming that the original audio is linked to the video, you will need to un-group them (broken chain link icon) and either delete the audio tack or at least mute it. Then you can bring in any audio material you want  eg .wav or.mp3 files onto any track(s) under the video.

I don't have MEP 17 but other versions come with a pdf manual -- search for 'Load and edit audio files'. 



Vesku wrote on 2/23/2013, 4:12 AM

I just add the rather obvious thing that you have to take care that the replacement sound clip is at last as long as the original. You can then use the razor blade to trim the ends.

cpc000cpc wrote on 2/23/2013, 5:09 PM

And I'll add some more... Thinking a  bit laterally there are options other than trimming a replacement that starts out longer than the gap. What's possible depends a lot on the nature of the audio. Very little choice if original spoken dialog is being replaced by the same material recorded separately. That problem is all about sync.

More options if it's background music or environmental sounds. Certainly it might be easier if you do have a clip that need only trimming, but consider fade-in and fade-out rather than a sharp razer blade cut.

MEP has a 'stretch mouse mode' which, for audio, allows you to change the playing length of a sound clip without changing pitch. There are limits -- but have a good listen so you don't over do the effect.

Another option is to use several overlapping (cross fade) shorter segments. A friend had to do that at several places to get enough bird calls etc for a garden shot. Music can be done as easily -- just imagine yourself as a DJ!

