What is the phone number of Magix Customer Support?

johny_lovin_it wrote on 8/21/2019, 7:32 AM

I can't believe there isn't a phone number to call customer support in the US because I'm getting antsy, annoyed and irritated that I can't find any help anywhere with something for my products. I'm not getting any response in the forums and I sometimes want to just talk to a person vocally and on the phone. Please, does anyone know a phone number in the US I can contact Magix for help? Or is it really only in another country? If so, what is the phone number; area code and everything.


emmrecs wrote on 8/21/2019, 9:25 AM


This page gives a list of ALL the numbers which are available for support.

You wrote:

I'm not getting any response in the forums 

I've actually reviewed your posting history and every time you have asked a question, between 2012 and 2019, about various pieces of Magix software you have always received a response! Those responses may not have been what you felt you needed to read but to claim you are not getting any response is plainly untrue.

Forum Moderator

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

Christopher-Frank wrote on 8/22/2019, 1:46 AM


This page gives a list of ALL the numbers which are available for support.

I'm sorry @emmrecs but I'm 180% behind @johny_lovin_it on this one. First of all, if you click the link you supplied for ALL numbers, you might notice there is NO NUMBER for the US. Just snail mail addresses.

It literally took me hours to find a way to start a new Support Request for Pro Audio through the Magix Website. And I would never be able to tell anyone else how I was able to get through because I believe the only way I was was through an accidental portal opening up in the center of the universe. (BTW - 6 days now since I sent my message to Magix... no response).

Any of this MIGHT be acceptable if we were referring to an open source freeware product, but I personally have spent somewhere around $800 to update my old ACID, SOUND FORGE, and VEGAS from their 32-bit ancestors into 64-bit architecture. ACID 9 PRO has not worked correctly since it's last update. Without any help from the manufacture, I had to download a program that removed any and all traces of ACID from my system and reinstall... Though it's been working on a so far so good basis (oh yeah, I do have to stop the Error Reporting Process through Task Manager every time I start the program to avoid hang) my anxiety goes up just thinking about the program crashing or it not loading my VST correct. If it were just me it would be one thing but it's been literally hundreds of complaints on the forum alone that stretch back months. I am working on a deadline creating a choral piece under commission (yes, I work as a professional composer and have access to many DAWs, I just happen to have a soft spot for ACID... well, did... after this experience probably saying bye-bye until Magix get's their act together), so the wasted time for me to transfer all of my MIDI from ACID into Abelton (which I absolutely hate) is simply unacceptable.

Part of a mediator's job is to make sure there is no abuse happening within the forum NOT to discipline one of the members for asking a VALID question... something that seemed like abuse itself.

emmrecs wrote on 8/22/2019, 2:45 AM


Thank you for this message. It is true that there is no US number given for Magix support. I don't know the exact reason for this but you do need to remember that Magix as a company is based in Germany.  I believe if you telephone either or the 020.. numbers (at least from the UK) they automatically divert to Germany. From the US that would suggest if you dial 0044 20.... that should connect.

I'm sorry you think my reply to @johny_lovin_it was "discipline". (BTW, I'm a moderator, not a mediator.) He wrote that he had received no support via this forum; a quick check of his posting history showed that every question he raised was answered by a fellow-user; the forum is intended for user-to-user assistance, it is not a contact for Magix support.

I cannot directly comment on your assertions re lack of support from Magix. All I can say is that that is not my experience. I don't have either ACID or Sound Forge but for those Magix products I do own support has always responded to my requests for help, perhaps not always as quickly as I would like but I have never experienced a support ticket being never answered.


Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

johnebaker wrote on 8/22/2019, 3:59 AM



. . . . It literally took me hours to find a way to start a new Support Request for Pro Audio through the Magix Website . . . .

Contact link is at the bottom of every forum page - this takes you to the support site and you select you options form there.

When you raise a support ticket, you will automatically receive a an auto response by email acknowledging receipt of the request.

In my experience Magix support are responsive to a request, with a follow up email usually within 2-3 days sometimes longer if they cannot replicate the issue easily.

John EB

Forum Moderator.



Last changed by johnebaker on 8/22/2019, 3:59 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

johny_lovin_it wrote on 8/22/2019, 7:16 AM

I can't believe I bought a voucher. ~_~ But how else am I going to talk to someone there? No offense to forums but I just hate waiting a day or two for a response because I've been delayed numerous times for little issues when I'm trying to do a project for my youtube channel and I can't find a solution at that moment. It wastes a lot of time on my end and I've had this happen to me on years end and I'm frankly just tired of it. When I said I get no response in the forums, I didn't mean literally. Come on, I hate it when I'm proven technically wrong when that's not what I mean. I'm not in the mood for that. XD

But w/e, I've never done this so I was brief and now I have to wait 2 business day for a response. Great ~_~

So my little issue is just that movie edit pro does not display certain fonts I download from the internet so I have to use photoshop with transparent background to put w/e I want to type there, save it as a freakin' picture and then paste it on the movie clip. I don't want to have to keep doing that every time so I hope magix support has a solution to this.

But thanks for backing me up, Christopher. I'm glad someone sees my struggle. Like one time or a few, I was able to talk to someone on the phone but I don't remember where I found it. Why can't there be a hotline for that anywhere?

Matthew-Jeschke wrote on 8/22/2019, 6:17 PM

This is the 21st century. If you are not listening to Johny then you are missing the point. I run a small business and my phone number is accessible from around the world. I have a business with clients on multiple continents. They can reach me from Germany included, very easily. If not by phone by online chat or email, and my information is not hidden behind online FAQ pages.

The customer experience with Magix is not what I'd come to expect with Sony when they owned the software.

Let me elaborate: I just tried to exercise my annual upgrade discount to 17. It would not process my credit card because a stolen credit card / security was triggered at my bank. I cleared the charge with my bank but the payment portal still wouldn't work. The payment portal says "contact customer support".

Here in lies the problem, there is no link, no phone, no email, nothing... I surfed the Magix website and endless loop of links / FAQ's etc for over an hour trying to figure out how to contact somebody at Magix. I finally found myself at this form.

I'm certain this very issue is loosing you money. Here's why. I bank with the largest bank in United States, Wells Fargo. I assume many of your customers do at well. Those same security features are blocking other people's purchases on your website. And it's because your located in Berlin and anybody who isn't close by will have their purchase blocked by the bank. It's easily cleared but then your payment portal doesn't allow for a second attempt.

Magix has no way to know that though because they've not got any system to talk with people in the payment process. I saw those phone numbers for overseas, however, I cannot call them from my location. Why no 800 number in US that forwards to Berlin or chat window that goes to email after hours? The United States is a HUGE market to work in and I'm sure you have other customers here.

The chat window is pretty well standard practice in eCommerce. Surf the web and you'll find them on many online stores. I'm telling you straight up you are loosing sales over this. And it's directly related to your closed door communication policy with customers.

I understand you want to implement ground breaking software and you are. I also understand you don't want overwhelmed by simple questions. However, there are times when customers have to talk to you and the questions cannot be answered by a FAQ. These might be when there's a legitimate bug in the software (I have found them before - I have a masters in engineering and did software development for 12 years). Or a issue with eCommerce site / online store as I experienced just now.

I've been exceptionally frustrated and ready to ride off my investment in Vegas because there's no way to contact anybody at Magix should their be an issue. The payment portal has been one of several such issues I've had since Magic took over Vegas from Sony. You've been able to retain me this long as I've got thousands of dollars invested in this software and tool suite / plugins.

I may cut my losses and migrate to Avid or Premier. I see your software as better in many regards but if I cannot use it because of an issue and nobody is there to listen then the software is not worth anything.

Oh and another note: I eventually got the payment to work by going through paypal. However, the software will not download now. Your server is EXCEPTIONALLY slow (my connection is good. I did a speed test.). It's not expensive but you should have dedicated servers around the world which mirror each other for downloads, otherwise people will have similar issue to me. I'd think you have this but then again I'm having this download issue.

Dameon-Abraham wrote on 8/22/2019, 7:44 PM

How do I find my serial number from 2001?


johnebaker wrote on 8/23/2019, 3:05 AM



Please do not hijack another users topic on a different issue- this is considered as poor forum etiquette.

Create a new post you in the appropriate forum for the product you have.


John EB

Forum Moderator

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Matthew-Jeschke wrote on 8/23/2019, 11:43 AM

John E Baker. Sometimes the truth stings, I have the same issue as Johny, no way to contact customer or sales support. I say this is poor etiquette on behalf of Magix. You're on a shoestring with me, as well as all my fellow editors. There's no other place to field these communication issues for which this thread is about. I highly suggest you escalate these issues to somebody in charge who can correct them or people will continue to publicly make them on your forum as there is no where else to go. We need a PHONE NUMBER or way to contact support. Not a broken FAQ and forum with moderators who want to silence problems. You suggest another forum post, well WE DON'T NEED A FORUM POST WE NEED SOMEBODY IN CHARGE. DUDE YOUR PAYMENT PORTAL IS BROKEN! WHERE DO WE GO?

johnebaker wrote on 8/23/2019, 1:17 PM



. . . . I highly suggest you escalate these issues to somebody in charge . . . .

This is a user to user forum provide by Magix for users of their software to help each other with issues and how to use the software or achieve something with the software.

. . . with moderators who want to silence problems. . . . .

Moderators of the forum are users of Magix software just as yourself - we are not Magix employees. The role of Moderator is to ensure that the forum is run smoothly and in accordance with the Community rules - link to these is at the bottom of all pages of the forum.

. . . . no way to contact customer or sales support. I say this is poor etiquette on behalf of Magix . . .

That is your opinion which you are entitled to and may be freely expressed so long as it is within the community rules. The provided system through support tickets ensures the support request goes to the right departments.

. . . . You suggest another forum post, . . . .

And correctly so, the issue the user has has nothing to do with the issue this topic is discussing and mixing other topics into a thread causes confusion.

. . . . Sometimes the truth stings . . . .


Vegas products have there own forum here - I would suggest you register and post your issue there. The forums have a large number of experienced users who are users like yourself and who may have come across any issues you may have.

John EB

Forum Moderator

Last changed by johnebaker on 8/23/2019, 1:28 PM, changed a total of 5 times.

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Matthew-Jeschke wrote on 8/24/2019, 7:57 PM

Thanks for your clarification, the official forum looks the exact same as this one. I'll copy my post there. Hopefully somebody at Magix sees it.

emmrecs wrote on 8/25/2019, 7:15 AM


Hopefully somebody at Magix sees it.

But it is another user-to-user forum. If you need to contact Magix direct you need to use the Contact button found in the footer of every forum page.

Forum Moderator

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

Robert-Morrison wrote on 2/21/2020, 2:15 AM

Thank you Johny for bringing this issue up. I feel your frustration in every way. Over the last seven years I have purchased 14 of their products and spent hundreds of hours learning their software. I had to create a website for a new business so I upgraded to their latest Web Designer Premium and signed up to host a new domain with them. Long story short . . . finished the site and all I had to do was publish and I kept getting the message that the password was invalid. I use a password generator software and always cut and paste. No way it was incorrect. Still I did multiple password resets with no luck.

Something that should be a quick ten minute or less tech support call will likely take a month or more to resolve before I can publish this site. I can't afford to loose the domain name so I am absolutely trapped now. There is no phone number anywhere to be found. I submitted a support ticket, took them five days to respond, only to say they reset my password and would send an additional email with a link to reset it. That email never came. So I am back where I started.

I wish more than anything I had never started with Xara/MAGIX. I have found their software to be excellent, but the issue of absolute zero product support ensures that I will never again purchase a product from them. I will gladly learn new software. It took six hours to build the site, and now I have spent over twenty hours of time trying to get a password to work. You use software long enough, some issue is going to come up. With no tech support it is to great a gamble to reasonably take.

Joe-C wrote on 3/12/2020, 1:21 PM

I ran into the same thing. Still can't get my issue resolved. I don't see why they don't have a contact phone. Probably because with emails they can get back to you (if at all) at their priority, very frustrating. Makes you want to move on to some other product. Hope they realize that.

longjohn wrote on 4/15/2020, 2:06 AM

Magix USED to have a phone number for the US many years ago. I talked with a guy in Florida who WAS helpful.

Right now I can't use my video editor v14, video editor v17, nor my Vegas...the video editors I bough directly from Magix...

I keep getting the "enter serial number" page...even though it has my name, email, and serial number already on the screen...this is true of ALL 3 of my programs. I log into Magix and it does show ALL my purchase history, including dates registered, yet it refuses to let the program load. I've tried re-entering the serial number, same result.

johnebaker wrote on 4/15/2020, 4:01 AM



Please read this post and give more details about the Windows version you have and the program full names and version numbers - this is a common issue which occurs with older software.

Support is provided by a ticketing system to ensure that all issues are recorded and that everyone gets an equal opportunity of connecting to Support.

I have edited the rest of your post as per the Community rules, link is at the bottom of the page, which you signed up to when you joined the forum.

The majority of forums require you to login before posting - this is the normal and for very good reasons - accountability being one.

Moderators are not employees of Magix, we donate our time freely as do other users to help each other.

John EB
Forum Moderator


Last changed by johnebaker on 4/15/2020, 4:01 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

longjohn wrote on 4/28/2020, 8:18 PM

If software is well written, it shouldn't have these issues...

Movie Edit Pro v15 on Windows XP-32

Movie Edit Pro v15 on the Win 7-64 machine

Movie Edit Pro v17 on the Win7-64 machine

(I also have same issue with Vegas v9.0b, but that's for another forum)

Do I need to repeat what the problem is..? ALL THREE programs won't start & dies after clicking "Already Registered", "Register" or "OK"...even though the serial numbers are correct, and even though all 3 of these programs ARE listed in my registered programs on the Magix customer page

emmrecs wrote on 4/29/2020, 4:31 AM


So, you need to contact Magix Support, as already advised to do, via the ticket system. Use this page.

Given the age of your products be aware that support is offered only on purchase of a voucher. Also, given that neither of the versions of Windows you are running is now supported by Microsoft, support may be limited.

Forum Moderator

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

Don-Petty wrote on 12/1/2020, 1:58 AM



. . . . It literally took me hours to find a way to start a new Support Request for Pro Audio through the Magix Website . . . .

Contact link is at the bottom of every forum page - this takes you to the support site and you select you options form there.

When you raise a support ticket, you will automatically receive a an auto response by email acknowledging receipt of the request.

In my experience Magix support are responsive to a request, with a follow up email usually within 2-3 days sometimes longer if they cannot replicate the issue easily.

John EB

Forum Moderator.

This is not my experience. I don't see anywhere where I can initiate a support ticket. I used emmrec's link but it sends me to a page asking for my email address and password, when I am already signed in. So I sign in again and it sends me to a page where it appears I can ask support. It says "Ask Support" on the right of the page and "Ask the Community" on the left. I click on "Ask Support" and it sends me on another rabbit chase, this time to "I need help with" and then it lists various types of supposed help, "Video", "Photo & Design", etc. But no where have I found a place where I can contact MAGIX or start a support ticket. No where.

I have a very low opinion of the company. The links are just rabbit holes. If you can't find your problem there you are out of luck it would appear. I don't think I ever received a serial number for "Photo Designer 7" like I did for "Web Designer Premium". So, I can't install Photo Designer 7 on my new laptop, it doesn't appear. I mean if a person has to ask the community for help with that, ,that tells me that the company offers little in the way of support for the products.

SP. wrote on 12/1/2020, 2:12 AM


 this time to "I need help with" and then it lists various types of supposed help, "Video", "Photo & Design", etc. But no where have I found a place where I can contact MAGIX or start a support ticket. No where.

It is very easy. Just select your product and ignore all offered solutions. Then you will get to a page where you have to enter a short phrase describing your problem. Some more solutions will be shown to you. Ignore them and scroll down until you see the link to contact support.

 I don't think I ever received a serial number for "Photo Designer 7" like I did for "Web Designer Premium"

For problems with registration contact infoservice@magix.net

Don-Petty wrote on 12/1/2020, 2:25 AM

No, it's not "easy" for someone that doesn't know the "tricks". What it is is lousy customer support. It's absolutely frustrating. My product is not shown, also. A person would have to be all knowing to know to do what you said to do.

I do thank you for the registration email address. This time the email did get sent instead of being saved as a draft. But no where did I find that address on their website. I guess MAGIX likes to keep a person frustrated and guessing. The other two email addresses I found didn't work. The emails just got saved as drafts when I tried to send them.

Maybe they can help me. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Don-Petty wrote on 12/1/2020, 2:49 AM

I got a support ticket now, thanks to SP. Thank you.

SP. wrote on 12/1/2020, 3:00 AM

@Don-Petty Which country do you have selected when browsing Magix.com? It seems that the mail address is only shown for specific countries, for example it can be found if you select United Kingdom or Germany. Maybe this has to do with local laws.

Don-Petty wrote on 12/1/2020, 3:07 AM

I have no clue. I see no option to specify a country in my profile. Oh wait , it is showing U.S. at bottom right of page.